Podcastul lui Damian Draghici 馃帣锔廠usanne Solberg

Podcastul lui Damian Draghici - Un p贸dcast de Damian Draghici


00:00 | Teaser 07:40 | The sweet tooth / Pofta de dulce 16:33 | White fat and brown fat / Grasimea alba si grasimea bruna 23:15 | The brown fat cells shrink | Celulele de grasime bruna se micsoreaza 28:48 | Better metabolism | Un metabolism mai bun 39:49 | Less stress/ Mai putin stres 43:23 | Cold showers / Dusurile reci 49:42 | Cold temperature in your room / Temperaturi scazute in camera 52:38| Some people don't have brown fat / Unii oameni nu au grasime bruna