285: Leveraging Cold Call Dispositions as a Sales Leader with Gray Norman

The Predictable Revenue Podcast - Un pódcast de Collin Stewart - Jueves


Gray Norman joins Collin Stewart on this episode of the Predictable Revenue podcast to discuss leveraging cold call dispositions as a sales leader. Highlights include: how to leverage trends in sales development (3:01), what a cold call disposition is and why it matters (4:47), how to map cold call funnels into dispositions (8:24), the benefit of tracking dispositions for managers (10:45), why you should limit your number of call dispositions (12:51), why you should treat each cold call as a mini opportunity (14:41), tech options for tracking call dispositions (15:09), comparing cold call metrics to cold email (18:24), and why LinkedIn outreach hasn’t been effective recently (19:06). Are you looking to create repeatable, scalable, and predictable revenue? We can help! ► https://bit.ly/predictablerevenuecoaching

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