#228 Kiss Feedback Box feat. Andie Basto
Radio Free Tote Bag - Un pódcast de Radio Free Tote Bag

Spooky szn is over! WELCOME TO HOLIDAY HELLLL jk we're having a great time cause we've got comedian Andie Basto with us in the RFTB Industries Studio! We talk large ceramic pumpkins and hear an embarassing dating story before getting to yalls questions here's what we get into: Wanting to get some unethical past actions off your chest | What's up with orchiectomy what's recovery like | How to kiss good | Queer and poly in the rural midwest - how to meet new partners Thanks again to Andie for joining us! Follow them on Twitter @AndieIsOnline and keep an eye out for live shows! And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as other neat bonus stuff! Wow!