A Haunting in the House | Real Ghost Stories Online 馃 EXTRA
Real Ghost Stories Online - Un p贸dcast de Real Ghost Stories Online | Paranormal, Supernatural & Horror Radio

As he tried to fall asleep, he spotted a small figure with an old-fashioned hat, moving around the room with a disturbing intent. Things took an even creepier turn when he heard his name whispered, accompanied by a series of firm pokes to his shoulder. Was it just a prank, a restless spirit, or perhaps one of the mischievous sprites his friend from Italy warned about? If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming a Premium Subscriber. Subscribe here: http://www.ghostpodcast.com/?page_id=118 or at or at http://www.patreon.com/realghoststories