80. Halloween Survival Guide - Combat Diet Culture & Feel Confident in Your Food and Body Choices
Seems Like Diet Culture - Un pódcast de Mallory Page, RD - Jueves

Get ready for Halloween with our special episode! As the spooky holiday approaches, we dive into the Halloween survival guide, offering valuable tips in different areas. Discover how to combat the impact of diet culture on your festivities and avoid the feeling like crap on the holiday. We'll also provide insights into navigating the party culture and dealing with the dangerous trend of drunkorexia. Plus, we share tips on how to handle the pressure to dress up on Halloween when you may be struggling with body image. Stay tuned for practical advice to conquer these challenges and enjoy a diet culture free Halloween. Live Unrestricted for Practitioners is currently accepting applications for our November round, we don't know when we are running this program again and spots are filling so make sure you apply before it's too late. CLICK HERE FOR INFO AND APPLICATION Let's connect: Follow Mallory on Instagram by clicking HERE. Learn More About Live Unrestricted by clicking HERE. Do The Free 3 Day Challenge by clicking HERE. Check out Live Unrestricted for Practitioners by clicking HERE. Submit Podcast Requests by clicking HERE. Do a discovery call about Business mentorship with me by clicking HERE. Mentioned: Drunkorexia Episode - Listen Here Sources https://www.independent.co.uk/student/istudents/why-is-there-so-much-pressure-on-women-to-dress-sexy-at-halloween-8913080.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurieessig/2012/10/31/white-women-are-scary-for-halloween/?sh=3d9faea5264f https://time.com/3547024/sexy-halloween-costumes-history/ https://news.yahoo.com/sexy-halloween-costumes-empowering-problematic-224000275.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMLcO2DWZWoOrh_AV2bwc3uLn9h7z46hvkUuIuhbh5ZIwO4YlUqxi3ezF85dZiSrucaz1BaNj15tLkpkptWU_qjD3gxJOYdvaS_fxfL7WKmiDjBlQacxAcEoM4fx_Xsr5cMSOZt-lZUzzvy0qtYCwkNKzU4bx6yo0aLvKr54bQDy https://centerfordiscovery.com/blog/trigger-or-treat-halloween-in-recovery/ https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/eating-disorders/what-is-drunkorexia https://www.bustle.com/articles/112789-the-halloween-costume-dilemma-why-i-dont-want-to-just-be-sexy-or-nerdy https://www.hercampus.com/school/tcu/i-give-you-sexy-corn-the-evolution-of-womens-halloween-costumes/ Research assistance by Sophie van Leeuwen