96. Colostrum - All Hype or A Holy Grail ?

Seems Like Diet Culture - Un p贸dcast de Mallory Page, RD - Jueves

It's time to discuss the latest "buzz-worthy" supplement: colostrum. Originally, colostrum served as the vital "first milk" after birth, nourishing the offspring of mammals. Only recently has it gained traction in the wellness space. In this episode, we'll explore whether the purported benefits such as improved gut health, immunity, and muscle growth hold true. Additionally, we'll cover key considerations for those contemplating colostrum supplementation, beyond what's commonly discussed online. The NEW website: www.liveunrestricted.org聽馃コ Let's connect: Follow Mallory on Instagram by clicking聽HERE. Apply to Live Unrestricted by clicking聽HERE.聽 Do The Free 3 Day Challenge by clicking聽HERE. Submit Podcast Requests by clicking聽HERE.

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