Highlights - Robert Sternberg - Fmr. President, American Psychological Assoc. - Author of “Adaptive Intelligence”
Social Justice & Activism - The Creative Process - Activists, Environmental, Indigenous Groups, Artists and Writers Talk Diversity, Equity and inclusion - Un pódcast de Creative Process Original Series

“Now, we didn't purposely say let's create a diverse group, but the group is really diverse. And I find that to be enormously advantageous because it's not superficial diversity. What color is your skin? What ethnic group are you a member of? It's diversity of different cultures and different belief systems and then trying to find ideas that reflect the combination of our cultural upbringings. I think too much about diversity in the United States has become extremely superficial. The most important aspect is that people think differently, not just, you could have two people who are white who think more differently, or two people who are black, who think more differently than one who is white and one who is black. What's important is the intercultural interchange rather than just checkoffs of what ethnic group you are. What race you are. What sex you are. What gender you are...."