#043 How To Continue A Conversation When You're Stuck Or Blocked?
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar. - Un pódcast de Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
>> Get my new course: The PRONUNCIATION Course 2024! Visit PronunciationCourse.com and get the course! << Today, I'll tell you how to continue a conversation in English when you're feeling stuck or blocked. Later, you'll practice your speaking with a funny mini story. The story is about a very handsome young man who flees to an island. Have you ever wanted to talk to someone for longer, but you got stuck because you didn't know what to say anymore? When we speak a foreign language, we're often, afraid to start a conversation or to ask questions. For more episodes and the full text, visit SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast