#106 The differences between Bring, Carry, Fetch, and Take
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar. - Un pódcast de Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
>> Get my new course: The PRONUNCIATION Course 2024! Visit PronunciationCourse.com and get the course! << Do you know the difference between the words "bring," "carry," "fetch," and "take?" If the answer is no, this is going to be a very useful episode for you. When do we use the word "BRING"? 1) "Bring" means to conduct something/someone to come with, to, or toward the speaker. Examples: "Jason, please bring me a beer." "He brought his brother to the hospital." When do we use the word TAKE? For more episodes and the full text, visit SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast