#116 Learn English proverbs
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar. - Un pódcast de Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
>> Get my new course: The PRONUNCIATION Course 2024! Visit PronunciationCourse.com and get the course! << Today, I’ll teach you some English proverbs. If you don’t know what proverbs are, continue listening. And with a story, you will improve your grammar intuitively but without memorizing any rules! First, what’s a proverb? A proverb is a popular saying that highlights the basic facts of life. Some of them are quite serious, although others are very funny. Just like idioms, proverbs often have a greater meaning. It’s not just individual words put together. For more episodes and the full text, visit SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast