#29 - Alejandro García Hermida: Traditional Building Methods & Techniques, The Short Lifespan of Reinforced Concrete, Construction Myths & More
The Aesthetic City - Un pódcast de Ruben Hanssen

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Alejandro García Hermida to the podcast today. He is an architect with a PhD and a Master's degree in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage, as well as an Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Composition at the School of Architecture of the UPM in Madrid. His professional expertise lies in traditional architecture and building methods, as well as the restoration and examination of various historic buildings and archaeological sites with diverse types and chronologies, primarily in Spain and Morocco. Dr. García Hermida serves as the Executive Director of the Richard H. Driehaus Initiatives in Spain and Portugal, a Board Member of the Terrachidia NGO, and the Vice Chair of INTBAU Spain. Find more information here: Driehaus prize: https://driehausprize.nd.edu INTBAU Spain: https://intbauspain.com/en/ Terrachidia: https://www.terrachidia.es/en/inicio-english/ Premio Rafael Manzano: https://intbauspain.com/seccion/premio-rafael-manzano/