#35 - Mark Wilson Jones, Apollodorus Architecture: A New Arena for Bath, Education & Learning from the Past
The Aesthetic City - Un pódcast de Ruben Hanssen

Mark Wilson Jones is an an esteemed academic architectural historian. He is known for his significant contributions to the understanding of architectural history of antiquity, mostly through his seminal work on the Pantheon. He doesn’t limit himself to historical research, but is a practicing architect at his own firm, Apollodorus Architecture. Previously an Associate Professor at the university of Bath, he has authored multiple scholarly books and a great number of articles. Additionally, he serves as chair of the Traditional Architecture Group and has taught at the Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture Summer School at Cambridge, and the summer school of La Table Ronde d’Architecture in Bruges. He recently made an exciting counterproposal for the renovation and replacement of the ageing Bath rugby stadium, which has caught the attention of many. Although it is far from certain the design will be taken serious by local government, it has significant advantages over the current proposal. Find his books here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Mark-Wilson-Jones/author/B001KDDJPE?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Apollodorus Architecture: https://www.apollodorus.uk/ Bath Arena: https://www.apollodorus.uk/project-bath-arena-landing ======== For more information on The Aesthetic City, find our website on https://theaestheticcity.com/ Love what we do? Become a patron! With your help we can grow this platform even further, make more content and hopefully achieve real, lasting impact for more beautiful cities worldwide. Visit our Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/the_aesthetic_city?fan_landing=true Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@the_aesthetic_city Follow us on X: https://x.com/_Aesthetic_City Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.aesthetic.city/ Substack: https://theaestheticcity.substack.com/ Get access to the Aesthetic City Knowledge Base: https://theaestheticcity.lemonsqueezy.com/checkout/buy/18809486-2532-4d91-90fd-f5c62775adec