Monos: A mystical teen party war movie

The Bigger Picture, presented by The British Film Institute - Un pódcast de British Film Institute


Alejandro Landes's Monos has teen soldiers running wild in the mountains of an unspecified south American country. Hen, Anna and Pete take a trek up into the weird world of guerrilla warfare, presided over by a cow called Shakira. They talk about the film's treatment of Colombia's long-running war, how Landes masterfully creates an atmosphere of tension out of teen tomfoolery and Mica Levi's awesome score. Plus, nonsense chat about what we'd call a cow if one were gifted to us. The Bigger Picture, presented by the BFI, is ... BFI Digital editor Henry Barnes Anna Bogutskaya, Dice's Head of Arts and Culture and producer Peter Sale For information regarding your data privacy, visit

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