Ep. 696, The Murder at Troyte's Hill, by Catherine Louisa Pirkins
The Classic Tales Podcast - Un pódcast de B.J. Harrison
Can the steely mind of Ms. Loveday Brooke discover the murderer at Troyte’s Hill? Catherine Louisa Pirkins, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With the pandemic still nipping at our heels, we need your help more than ever. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong. App users can hear the poem “Song”, by Edmund Waller,in the special features area of their app. September Sleuths continue with our introduction of Ms. Loveday Brooke, the creation of Catherine Louisa Pirkins. Ms. Pirkins’ first major novel, Disappeared from Her Home, represented her foray into the mystery genre, and is celebrated largely as the first incidence of a female detective heroine written by a female author in the “casebook format” of detective fiction. She wrote a total of 14 novels and is most celebrated for her creation of Loveday Brooke, who is the heroine of today’s story. And now, The Murder at Troyte’s Hill, by Catherine Louisa Pirkins. Tap here to go to www.classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a financial supporter!