Ep. 947, England to America, by Margaret Prescott Montague
The Classic Tales Podcast - Un pódcast de B.J. Harrison
Do the English just not like Americans? Seriously, why won’t Chev’s family warm up to Skip? Margaret Prescott Montague, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. The Vintage Episode for the week is “The Blue Hotel”, by Stephen Crane. Be sure to check it out on Tuesday. If you have found value in the show, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Help us to help other folks like you. Please go to http://classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a monthly supporter today. Also, please follow the link in the show notes to support a Kickstarter campaign to fund the audiobook Immortal, by Joanna White: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/joannawhite/immortal-a-valiant-prequel It’s a prequel to her epic fantasy series, Valiant. In Immortal, the protagonist travels through different times without the ability to die. It’s very well-written, and I’m sure you’ll love it. Once we raise the funds, Joanna has hired me to produce the audiobook! I’ll send out a newsletter with a link to the project once we’re ready to launch. Thanks for pitching in! Today’s story won the O. Henry Memorial Award in 1919. World War I had just ended, and there were many military stories written at the time, as most everyone in the world had some connection to the war. Margaret Prescott Montague was a short story writer and novelist. Four of her stories were made into films in the 1920s. Winning the O. Henry Memorial Award is the most prestigious of her accomplishments. She lived from 1878 – 1955. From the introduction to the O. Henry Memorial Award volume: “…the young Virginian of "England to America" will bring back, to all who read, their own heroes. It is fitting that Miss Montague's story should have received the first prize: poignant, short in words, great in significance, it will stand a minor climactic peak in that chain of literature produced during the actual progress of the World War.” It is interesting to look back on this story over a hundred years later, and see how it fared. I think it’s safe to say that most people have never heard of the story, or its author, which is a shame. Let’s give it a go. And now, “England to America”, by Margaret Prescott Montague. Follow this link to the Kickstarter page for Immortal, and help to fund the audiobook: Follow this link to become a monthly supporter: Follow this link to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Follow this link to subscribe to the Arsène Lupin Podcast: Follow this link to follow us on Instagram: Follow this link to follow us on Facebook: Follow this link to follow us on TikTok: