Episode 3: Jonathon Poling, Part 1

The Cloud Security Mindset

This week our guest is Jonathon Poling. Jonathon is a Managing Principal Consultant for Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) at Secureworks who specializes in cloud. We met in a cloud security slack and i recruited Jonathon to speak in the cloud track at RSA after seeing him release some excellent content on cloud monitoring for incident response.

In this first episode he shares how he first became interested in cloud after years of traditional incident response. He shares when he first realized why cloud is so different from traditional infrastructure with both new challenges and opportunities. We then spend some time talking about multi-cloud and what it really means for organizations.

What I love about this episode is how he shares his thought process. Not just how cloud is different, but why he came to believe its different.

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