Why Craft Workers are Ditching Manila Folders for THIS App | Christi Pilutik, CEO of BuilderFax

The ConTechCrew - Un pódcast de Jeff Sample


EPISODE 425: Whether it’s misplaced cards or redundant training, managing construction credentials can feel like a full-time job–but not anymore with BuilderFax.In this week’s episode, my co-host Nathan Wood and I sit down with Christi Pilutik, CEO of BuilderFax, to talk about her mission to change how craft workers manage their credentials and career growth.With a solid background in HR and construction consulting, Christi shares her insights on the current state of the industry’s workforce and how BuilderFax, an all-in-one credential management platform, provides career growth solutions to the industry.If you’re looking to learn how to improve craft workers’ experience and help them take control of their careers, this episode is a must-listen.Let’s get started!Key Takeaways: Introduction (00:00)Christi Pilutik’s construction journey (01:30)How BuilderFax is transforming construction (05:36) Career development made easier (11:40)How BuilderFax verifies user profiles and credentials (14:59)Standardizing credentialing across the industry (22:08)Professionalizing construction careers (25:08)Improving construction safety using BuilderFax (33:59)Keep up with Christi and BuilderFax (37:52)Construction technology news of the week (39:28)Additional Resources:Listen to the show at: https://thecontechcrew.com Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thecontechcrew — Follow Christi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christipilutik/Visit BuilderFax for more information: https://builderfax.com/— See this week’s news articles! 🗞️⬇️➡️Integrated Data Ecosystems Could Transform the Construction Industryhttps://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2024/08/16/integrated-data-ecosystems-could-transform-the-construction-industry/➡️National Public Data Admits Hackers Stole Social Security Numbers in Massive Breach Reportedly Affecting Nearly All Americanshttps://nypost.com/2024/08/19/business/national-public-data-admits-hackers-stole-social-security-numbers/➡️Why the Construction Industry Must Climb Out of Its Productivity Rut—and Why it Hasn’t Yet.https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/delivering-on-construction-productivity-is-no-longer-optional— The ConTech Crew is a construction news podcast dedicated to keeping you up to date with all the latest in construction technology. Give us a follow so you never miss an episode! 

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