12 Psycho-Spiritual Tools For Spiritual Warfare | TCM #133 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

Laura and Bernhard share and discuss the 12 main psycho-spiritual tools that they find necessary during these times of spiritual warfare. These tools will not only help you in your immediate everyday life, but they can also help the world without pulling you into our collective darkness, cynicism, and black-pilled mindset. Furthermore, they discuss a powerful vision of a Sufi Mystic about the state of the world that confirms Laura's prophetic dream, Sri Aurobindo's and Rudolf Steiner's warning over 100 years ago, how we need a deeper spiritual revolution and a shift in consciousness, and more. TIME OF TRANSITION EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work To Embody Your True Self with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue NEW DATES: August 26th – November 25th, 2024 Enrollment Starts Now Limited to 35 people – By Application Only Learn More HERE Show Notes Part 1: * Why this is a spiritual war * Our whole civilization has its origin in the spiritual world * There are unseen occult spiritual forces manipulating humanity * Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo on the spiritual forces * Laura's prophetic dream a year before the plandemic hit * The victim/blame trap is at the core of the matrix control system, keeping people in a lower state of consciousness (David Hawkins) * Trauma as gateways for hostile forces * The vision of "The Wall" by a Sufi Mystic in deep meditation * Light Beings are waiting for us but are not doing the work for us * Humanity is not able to handle the full light of the Divine. * Tool for PsychoSpiritual Work: * 1. Holding the tension of opposites (and the misconceptions about it) * 2. Shadow Work (what it is and what it is not) * 3. Healing Trauma (with self-reflective questions) * 4. Embodiment Practices and Grief Work with practical suggestions In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * We need a deeper spiritual revolution and a shift in consciousness * Sri Aurobindo's and Rudolf Steiner's warning 100 years ago (The rise of a tyrannical socialist world state and the Destruction and Decline of the West) * More Tools for PsychoSpiritual Work * 5. Critical Thinking and the Trivium * Understanding the main logical fallacies * 6. Knowing your true self vs your conditioned personality and fragmented parts (and how to do it) * 7. Virtues > Virtue Signaling * The main virtues to embody and how to work with them * 8. Being of Service * The Yoga of Works, the Gita, and Karma Yoga * 9. Compassion but not blind compassion * How blind compassion comes from the selfish part and is not about others * The importance of boundaries * 10. Understanding occult forces and wetiko * How to know the difference of what to reject (entities) and what to integrate (shadow, fragmented parts) * 11. Psychic Self-Defense * Clearing techniques, how to deal with the projection of others * 12. Aspiration to the Divine and how to work with prayer Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to access the membership section (including the membership forum.)