9 Ways To Heal Your Body, Mind, And Spirit With Somatic Work | TCM #103 (Part 1)

The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

In this episode, Laura and Bernhard share their experiences and the benefits of somatic healing practices that are crucial for this day and age.  TIME OF TRANSITION EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue NEW DATES: April 17th – July 24th, 2023 Limited Space – By Application Only ---> LEARN MORE AND APPLY Show Notes Part 1: * Why it is important to engage in somatic work * Symptoms of disassociation and dis-embodiment  * The body-mind connection  * How tension in the body affects our thoughts and emotions * Laura’s story of her healing journey with yoga * How to consciously engage in body-mind practices  * Bernhard’s healing experiences of receiving bodywork * The importance of safe nurturing touch  * Laura’s experience of receiving massage sessions from an elder medicine woman  * The skin is the surface of the brain  * Why people are averse to being touched  * The connection between psychological issues because of lack of touch * How to do somatic meditation correctly * Laura’s experience at a somatic meditation retreat * Healing inter-generational trauma and past life trauma through somatic work * The healing intelligence of the body - you are your own healer! * How to work with difficult emotions and process them somatically  In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * How do you know something is off in your body? * The relationships between negativity, depression, grumpiness, and tension in the body * Most of the tension we hold we are not aware of * Preventive medicine vs. “disease control” [public health care] * How to do somatic trauma work: Pendulation and External/Internal Orientation * Self-exploration practice: What do you tend to focus on and orient towards? * The power of conscious “somatic” walks in nature * Staying in Dual-awareness * The difference between feelings and perceptions * Bernhard's healing journey with music, drumming, and dance * Dance as a somatic practice to process stuck emotions and trauma * The concept of 5 Rhythms dance * How to process anger and have a healthy relationship with anger without suppressing it * The importance of sympathetic nervous system activation when in “freeze” or “fawn” * The benefits of consistent Chiropractor adjustments and acupuncture * Very important: Strengthening our capacity to receive [attachment styles] Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to the membership section (including the membership forum.) [Intro and outro music clip by Seeded Vision]

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