Discernment, Intuition, and Judgment | TCM #22 (Part 1)

The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

In this episode, Bernhard and Laura discuss the difference between discernment, judgment, and intuition in regards to spiritual work and truth-seeking. They discuss the difference between intuition, gut feelings, and head-centric thinking, as well as the importance of emotional intelligence, a still mind, and compassion in order to access deeper levels of intuition and how to apply critical thinking without falling into analysis paralysis.  In the second part, they discuss the idea of judgment and how our judgments are often fed by projections, misunderstandings, and how these judgments may also be a trauma response and/or shadow projection. They also discuss how to be discerning with regards to the information overload of the internet and within the current marketplace of spirituality and “conspiracies”, and why it's important to be discerning with ourselves and our true intentions, especially when we are truth-seeking, the issues of social media, distractions, along with much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrNkTZU0p0g Show Notes Part 1: The difference between Intuition and a gut feeling We can mistake all kinds of feelings for Intuition True intuition is not a feeling and is impartial You can’t trust all feelings The prerequisite for accessing deeper levels of intuition is a quiet mind The connection between trusting your intuition and healthy self-love Making decisions from the head vs. intuitive impressions The trap of analysis-paralysis Importance of consistent meditation practice and getting into the body How to use Discernment: intuition and critical thinking Discernment in Relationships What makes us feel good is not necessarily good for us or true (people, information, etc) Sincere self-work and self-knowledge are imperative to become more discerning What makes us feel bad/uneasy/irritated is not necessarily bad for us or false but may be the result of emotional bias, shadow triggers, wounding Discernment implies separating the message (teaching) from the messenger (teacher), being aware of positive/negative shadow projections The danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and black&white thinking The issue of bad journalism in today’s popular “guru exposure” People feeding off sensationalism in the truth and spiritual community How do we talk about other people’s work critically with discernment without falling into character assassination, gossip, and shadow projections? Discernment, Conscience, and Right Speech Occult negative entities feed off of gossip, outrage porn, and shadow projections Using divination tools (Tarot, I Ching, etc) to hone your intuition without becoming dependent on them There is only so much self-work you can do on your own The difference between true and false resonance Intellectual sophism and manipulation What is Judgment? The New Age spiritual distortions of Judgment Judgment and seeing with the eyes of the Divine In Part 2 (only for members) we’ll be going deeper into: Reflection on the quote by the Mother on Judgment Relationship between Judgment and Discernment Assumptions and projections vs. truth You truly need to know a person very well and for a long time to accurately “judge” them Issue of miscommunication, misunderstanding on social media resulting is false judgment People lack basic language skills and suffer from short attention span due to technology Consider another person’s background and perspective: external consideration The difference between how people appear on social media ...

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