Essential Self-Work Tools For Uncertain Times | TCM #88 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
Laura and Bernhard give insights and practical tools for self-work during these uncertain times. They explore three main areas to work on: Mindset, Psychological Somatic Work, and Spiritual Connection. They also talk about the fear of making decisions, unconscious self-sabotage and negative synchronicities, how to empower yourself and use this opportunity for self-actualization, and much more. TIME OF TRANSITION EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work to Activate your Soul Potential on Multidimensional Levels with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue ---> LEARN MORE AND APPLY “This course was beyond what I expected. Bernhard and Laura’s experiences and backgrounds are beautifully organized into a format that helped me understand the suffering I have been carrying and showed me a way to help myself. Their support in showing me the way back to my true self is something I will be forever grateful for. Thank you, Bernhard and Laura!” – Jennifer V. Show Notes Part 1: * Facing reality and uncertain times * The fake reality of social media * The importance of psychological self-awareness and knowledge * Information overload and Trauma * 3 Key areas to work on: Mindset, Psychological Somatic Work, Spiritual Connection * Distractions and the Attention Economy * It’s never been a better time to learn a new skill * Priorities, focus, and engaging the will * The inner critic and unconscious internalized shame are the barriers to healthy optimism, motivation, and inspiration * The importance of self-awareness and self-observation * The trap of hyper-fixating on diet * The necessity for somatic psychological work * The Shadow Dance: Dogmatic Woke cult vs. Dogmatic Christianity * The trap of Identification * The different stages of the Individuation process * The body, tension, and the shadow * The trap of the Intellect * The necessity to feel all feelings and let go * Suffering and Essence In Part 2 (only for members) we go deeper into: * Spirituality vs. dogmatic Religion * The greater Self vs. the small self * Desire and Essence * The individuation process is key before one can surrender to the Divine/greater Self * The importance of Faith and Trust * Crisis, Prayer, and Divine Grace * What does it mean to surrender to the Divine? * Spirituality is not an escape from life but being fully engaged in life * Is 5D a New Age scam? * Fear of making decisions, lack of commitment, and will * Intuition, decisions, and occult hostile forces * Getting out of your comfort zone * The trap and self-deception of “waiting till you are ready.” * Opportunities can be missed and can pass * Unconscious self-sabotage and negative synchronicities * Now is the time to be an entrepreneur, but it’s not a path for everyone * The biggest opportunity to self-actualize is now, but it requires work, dedication, and effort * Paying your dues and karma yoga Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or