Facing Cancel Culture With Courage | TCM #131 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

The current climate of cancel culture is affecting people's lives and mental health in all sorts of detrimental ways. People are afraid of having conversations. They are scared of sharing their opinions in fear that someone or some group of people will decide that they are "problematic" and go on a campaign to ruin their lives. In this podcast, Bernhard and Laura discuss the emergence of cancel culture, how canceling links in with the idea of cultural Marxism, and how it has characteristics of Mao's struggle sessions of the Cultural Revolution and Orwell's "Two Minutes of Hate."They explore how cancel culture links to the BLM and now Palestine protests, the issue of mobs of social justice warriors, and some tips on how to face cancel culture with courage. In the Second hour, Laura and Bernhard explore this issue from an esoteric occult perspective, how cancel culture and cultural Marxism tie into the concept of wetiko, occult forces, entity possession, thought form hive mind entities, and egregores. They share personal stories about getting canceled and how they handled it. They also talk about how it links into Pluto in Capricorn and Totalitarianism (on both sides, left and right), how it relates to Pluto generations coming of age, how to step into your courage, raise your consciousness, and much more. Show Notes Part 1: * Cancel culture is a form of social ostracization and social isolation - Canceling creates a social environment of fear * People lose jobs, lose friends, lose their business because a group of people has decided to disapprove of them or find them offensive * "The issue is never the issue. The issue is revolution" * How the pro-Palestine protests have been hijacked by Neo-Marxists (see also past podcast: Israel, Palestine, and War – A PsychoSpiritual & Occult Perspective | TCM# 118 * The witch hunt of J.K. Rowling (she got "canceled" by the Christian Right and the Woke Left) * Cancel culture first emerged in the early 2000s on Tumbler * The issue with "accountability" according to someone else's values and ideology * Why canceling is a primary tool of cultural Marxism (ties into Neo-Marxism and Critical Social Justice) * Mao's Cultural Revolution in the 60s * Mao's Red Guards were comprised of university and high school students - a type of "mob justice" * Mao's Cultural Revolution and Red Guards are very similar to what cancel culture and "social justice warriors" are today * The psychological pressure of "bystanders" and how people censor and cancel themselves * Struggle sessions were a way that Mao used to gain compliance and to make sure everyone had the right political opinions * How today's cancel culture on social media, campuses, and workplaces is an extension of Mao's "Struggle Sessions" * Palestine is being used as another Trojan horse for the cultural Marxist agenda * There are now "cancel mobs" regarding the issue of Palestine. Mobs of social justice warriors are convinced that in order to "decolonize" the world, they must cancel people en masse who they feel aren't "speaking up enough" * Socially engineered Palestine protests on campuses and in major cities are manipulating naive people as "useful idiots" by hijacking their idealism and compassion * How people take on neo-Marxist Woke language like an NPC program * James Lindsay's excellent explanation of what struggle sessions are and how it ties into Cancel Culture * The weaponization of social accountably and selling your soul * Courage is the antidote to the cancel culture * Courage is a crucial gateway to higher states of consciousness