From Karmic And Toxic Relationships To Divine Union | TCM #85 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
In this episode, Laura and Bernhard discuss the difference between karmic and toxic relationships and how we can heal from unconscious relationship patterns. They talk about how romantic love has replaced God in our materialistic western society, the different stages in an intimate relationship, the unconscious drives of romantic attraction, the true meaning of marriage, and more. In the second hour, they dive deeper into Evolutionary Astrological factors involved in relationships, the path towards Divine Union, how the ego tends to hijack that process, and the prerequisites for successful relationship work between partners. They discuss the blindspots of the polarity and "new [traditional/conservative] man" movements, suggestions on how to work with issues and conflict in relationships, and more. TIME OF TRANSITION EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 12-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work to Activate your Soul Potential on Multidimensional Levels with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue NEW DATES: July 25th – October 15th, 2022 Limited to 40 people – By Application Only! ---> LEARN MORE AND APPLY Show Notes Part 1: * We are in an epidemic of toxic relating * Johnny Depp - Amber Heard trial in light of the collective Unconscious * Shadow Projections on Depp/Heard * What makes a toxic relationship? * What makes a karmic relationship? * The deception of romantic love * The major void in [western] society of having lost the connection to the Divine * Romantic Love replacing God * The unconscious drives of romantic attraction * Why is there a high divorce rate and high rate of single people? * People want the "ideal" partner but are not willing to put in the necessary [inner] work or learn about relationship psychology/dynamics * The issues with the new "divine feminine/masculine" and "polarity" movements * Robert Johnson on romantic love * The true meaning of marriage * Social media has distorted the "dating market" and intensified romantic projections * It takes a lot of time to truly get to know a person * Dating in the times of COVID and Woke agendas * How we healed from karmic/toxic relationships and suggestions to heal * Essential skills in a conscious relationship In Part 2 (only for members) we go deeper into: * Evolutionary Astrological factors involved in relationships [Taurus-Libra-Pisces axis] * The Taurus/2nd house archetype (values, security, materialism, physical urges,...] * The survival urge is kicking up currently due to the current Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis affecting relationships as well * The Libra/7th house archetype [relating to the other, all one-on-one relationships, equally giving & receiving, listening,...] * The Pisces/12th house archetype [Transcendence, search for ultimate meaning/purpose, disillusionment, desire for the "perfect" relationship,...] * The necessity to withdraw your projections and identify your projections * The path toward Divine Union * The ego tends to hijack the process * The trap of waiting for the "perfect partner" * The blindspots of the polarity and "new [traditional/conservative] man" movements * The futility of working on personality traits without going deeper