Staying Sane In An Insane World | TCM #79 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
In this episode, Laura and Bernhard talk about the war in Ukraine, the global situation, mass hysteria, how to become resilient and stay sane in an insane world. They talk about how current astrological transits are reflected in the world and within ourselves in light of the evolution of consciousness, how to work with these intense energies consciously, the potential of a dark night of civilization and global destruction, what it takes to be a spiritual warrior and much more. TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 12-week private group coaching program with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue NEW DATES: April 11th – July 2nd, 2022 Limited to 40 people! For more info about the program and to apply go here: or APPLY HERE Show Notes Part 1: * The war in Ukraine - what is really happening? * Ukraine and the Deep State * The “awakening” impulse is being hijacked after two years as people jump on the “Stand with Ukraine” bandwagon * Appeal to Emotion and propaganda in the MSM, distraction, and diversion * Where is your attention and how do you use your time? * The limitation of trying to figure out the Matrix intellectually * War and mass hysteria * If you don’t know who you are [individuated] you will get lost in the sea of information overload * Getting caught in the “2nd Matrix” * Astrological transits and current events * Meditating on Death * How to become resilient * What are your deeper values and are you living according to them? * How the current intense transits affect you personally and how to work with these energies * The illusion of control and the trap of attachment to a certain outcome * Where is the only real safe and secure place? * The spiritual warrior way of dealing with these intense Plutonian energies without shadow projecting or getting caught in victim/blame consciousness * Trusting Divine Will is easier said than done and the ego will resist it * What is the awakening process? * What is the essence of “inner” and “outer” work? * It’s embodiment or bust! * Practical suggestions and practices of how to stay sane and grounded * The Cosmic Dance of Samsara * You cannot spiritualize until you are individuated * Divine Guidance In Part 2 (only for members) we go deeper into: * Are you sincerely answering the call to awaken? * The great hour of decision has struck (Rudolf Steiner on the necessity to spiritualize the being) * The top-down approach to anchor the Divine * The Dark Night of Civilization and global destruction * Things will NOT improve by themselves, in fact, it may get worse beyond a point of return if we don’t “heed the voice of the Divine” * The battle between ego and soul * Most people are conceptually and intellectually attracted to “awaken” but not many people are sincere enough to engage in the work * The chaos in the world is a direct reflection of our own consciousness [and unconsciousness] - as within, so without * Do you really want to awaken or are you “trying to get something out of it” with expectations? * The ego hijacking the awakening impulse