Synchronicity, Intuition, and Divine Guidance | TCM #70 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix - Un pódcast de Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
In this episode, Laura and Bernhard discuss how to tap into our intuition and receive Divine guidance. They talk about the misconceptions about intuition, the prerequisite of sincere self-work to uncover and trust our psychic & intuitive abilities, how to make decisions in line with our true self, and how we receive divine guidance when "answering the call". They discuss the nature of synchronicities, the difference between "real" and "artificial" synchronicities, the necessity to apply the will, how we can miss opportunities when not acting on higher guidance ["the refusal of the call"], and much more. Apply to our upcoming 12-week private group coaching program “TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING”, November 22nd, 2021 – February 10th, 2022. (Limited space available and by Application only): APPLY HERE More info about the program here: Time of Transition: Embodied Soul Awakening Show Notes Part 1: * The distortion and misunderstanding of "Intuition" * Spiritual materialism - when the ego hijacks the spiritual journey * Waking up the lies in the world vs. the lies we tell ourselves * The difference between intuition, gut feeling (instinct), and strong emotions * True vs. false resonance * The importance to "reality-test" your intuitive insights * The lower mind and higher mind * The objective nature of Intuition * Laura's experience with intuition and projections when finding Bernhard * Romantic projections vs. Intuition * Soul quality vs. personality * The interrelationship between Imagination-Inspiration-Intuition * The prerequisite of sincere self-work to uncover and trust our psychic abilities/gifts * Inner guidance and the interrelationship between intuition and making decisions * The trap of externalization when trying to "escape" to another place/location * Combining practicality, logic, and intuition when making decisions In Part 2 (only for members) we go deeper into: * Giving our power away and wanting others to make a decision for us * The trap of looking for psychics, astrologers, therapists, etc. wanting to be told what to do...similar to looking for any other external authority to be told what to do (government) * The importance for external guidance and reflection (since we all have subjective blind spots) * The interrelationship between low self-esteem, fear of making decisions, and giving one's power away to external authority * Sincerity, Intuition, and do you really want to know the truth? * The importance of 100% sincere commitment when making any decision * The definition of synchronicity according to Carl Jung * The New Age distortion of "synchronicities" * True synchronicities vs. subconscious mind-created "synchronicities" * The ego hijacking so-called synchronicities [for example, seeing 11:11) * Example of divine guidance and synchronicity in Bernhard's life * The refusal of "the call": Missing opportunities and not acting on synchronicities * The ego-personality will feel threatened by the call of the soul * "Artificial" synchronicities arranged by occult hostile forces targeting our lower nature, ego, and wishful thinking * The Dark Side of Cupid/Alien Love Bite and artificial synchronicities * The misconceptions and distortions around The Dark Side of Cupid/Al...