The C.​O.​W.​S. Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of a Woman Part 8 (Conclusion) #SobrietyWouldBeBest #StayBlackAndDie #SNL50

The C.O.W.S. - Un pódcast de barneygumble


The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the 8th and final study session on the late Dr. Maya Angelou's The Heart of A Woman. The acclaimed author, poet, rape victim and Victim of White Supremacy, Dr. Angelou penned a 7-book autobiography series on her life and work. This is book number 4 in the series. Gus T. was inundated with the life and literary work of Dr. Angelou during his recent Golden State sojourn. And it took Gus seeing the documentary film Soundtrack to a Coup d'État three times to accurately write down the title The Heart of a Woman. The extraordinary film on the assassination of Patrice Lumumba is "receipt-heavy," and Andrée Blouin and Dr. Angelou's respective memoirs are just 2 of the many books in the project. Last week, Dr. Angelou describes following her husband Vus to Africa without even an address or hotel reservation once she travels across the planet with her son, Guy. She and Vus have repeated conflicts about money and are nearing a second eviction. Dr. Angelou tells us she fell out of "love" with her care mate at this point. We heard about a lot more parties, dancing and liquor drinking. Dr. Angelou took time to make a distinction between she and the black people born in the United States as opposed to black people born in Africa. She incorrectly tells readers that "black Americans" were the last large group of people enslaved on the planet. Brazil kept black people in formal slavery until 1888, and there are millions more black people in the Portuguese-speaking country than the US. #ImGoinGetMeSomeStuffTonight #SoundtrackToACoupdÉtat #TheCOWS16Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#

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