#12: Why Consistency Matters as a Producer
The EDM Prodcast - Un pódcast de EDMProd - Lunes

Levi and I talk about the importance of consistency and how it contributes to progress as a producer, how to optimize production sessions, and why deliberate practice is important. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download a free PDF containing tips from podcast guests: edmprod.com/podtips --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool things mentioned on the show: - More advice on productivity and focus: (http://getworkflowbook.com) - One minute habits book (http://amzn.to/1JNAD7E) - James Clear's Article on Creativity (jamesclear.com/creative-thinking) - Levi Whalen - Cerulean (https://soundcloud.com/electronictaste/levi-whalen-cerulean) Sam Matla on the internet: facebook.com/sampmatla twitter.com/sammatla Levi Whalen on the internet: www.facebook.com/LeviWhalenMusic twitter.com/levi_whalen Leave a rating & review on iTunes: edmprod.com/itunes Download for free on The Artist Union