Turned Away at the Border: Tamizdat / Future of Music Coalition / Massive Scar Era / Ami Dang
The Future of What - Un pódcast de Music Business Association

Episode #74: The Future of What looks deeper at recent immigration issues surrounding SXSW and Trump's travel ban with Matthew Covey of international musicians' group Tamizdat and Kevin Erickson of artist advocacy organization the Future of Music Coalition. Cherine Amr of Massive Scar Era shares her story of being turned away at the border, and Baltimore musician Ami Dang discusses her concerns over the rise in xenophobic attitudes. More on: FMC: https://futureofmusic.org/ Artists from Abroad: http://www.artistsfromabroad.org/ Tamizdat: http://www.tamizdat.org/ Ami Dang: http://amidang.com/ Massive Scar Era: http://massivescarera.com/ Subscribe to The Future of What on iTunes: http://apple.co/1P4Apk0 Follow us: Twitter: http://bit.ly/2gOYMYM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefutureofwhat/ Instagram: http://bit.ly/1L6T8fl