#617 Plant Rescue
The Grow From Your Heart Podcast - Hosted by Rasta Jeff of Irie Genetics - Un pódcast de Rasta Jeff/Irie Genetics - Sabados

Plant Rescue and Where to Get Seeds Irie Genetics Discord https://discord.gg/iriearmy Visit www.iriegenetics.com! Visit Seeds Here Now! https://seedsherenow.com/breeders/irie-genetics/ Heritage Seed Bank https://heritageseedbank.com/product-category/breeders/irie-genetics/Support the show on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/GrowFromYourHeart Hella Dank Seed Company https://www.dankseed.store/product-category/all-products/irie-genetics/ Hype Seeds https://hypeseeds.com/product/irie-genetics-blue-raspberry-truffle/ El Fuego Seeds https://elfuegoseeds.com/product-category/breeders/irie-genetics/irie-genetics/ Get your Irie Genetics Shirts Here! https://www.etsy.com/shop/IrieGiftsLLC Send questions, corrections, comments and concerns to [email protected]. Thank you for watching! Take a fat dab and give your mom a hug for me! The Grow From Your Heart Podcast was written and produced by Rasta Jeff All content property of The Grow From Your Heart Podcast©