The 19th Path from Geburah to Chesed - Strength (re-broadcast)

The Hermetic Hour - Un pódcast de The Hermetic Hour - Viernes

On Thursday March 20th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 19th Path of the Qabalistic Tree of Life called "Strength." This path laterally connects the Spheres of Geburah, on the Pillar of Severity, with Chesed on the Pillar of Mercy. The Path is attributed to the letter Teth, the Serpent, and the astrological sign of Leo. The Tarot Trump shows a woman gently closing the mouth of a lion. This is a "Key" Path on the Lightning Flash which defines our extended "Middle Pillar" yoga system. Gareth Knight suggests that it represents the initiatory journey of an Adeptus Major (6=5) to Adeptus Exemptus (7=4). Crowley's version of the card was called "Lust" and had the woman riding the beast -- this at least symbolizes one aspect of this path, that of conquering the beast within. The lion symbolism is also astrological and alchemical. The Heart of the Lion being the marker star Regulus in the Golden Dawn siderial system. This also relates to the Labors of Hercules. This is an important Path and the last one before Da'ath on the Short Path -- so if you want to get ready to make the big jump across the Abyss, tune in and come with us.

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