The Phoenicians and The Hermetic Tradition (re-broadcast)

The Hermetic Hour - Un pódcast de The Hermetic Hour - Viernes

On Thursday January 16th, 2014 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the ancient Phoenicians and the Hermetic Tradition. This follows last week's review of "Jesus the Phoenician" by Karim el Koussa. The references for this evening's discussion will be the recent "Phoenician Secrets" by Sandford Holst and "The Phoenicians, the Purple Empire of the Ancient World" by Gerald Herm, Our focus will be on Phoenician contributions to, and influence on, Western occultism and magick. It has recently been established that the Phoenician culture is one of the oldest in the world. It's roots go back nine thousand years. The Phoenicians were building and sailing ocean-going ships long before the Pyramids were built. The first pyramid was built by European architects brought from Malta to Egypt by Phoenician contractors. The Phoenicians were very secretive about their business and their religion. We will discuss their astrological religion (the Labors of Hercules), their magical alphabet (the real origin of the Qabalah) and their possible connection with Atlantis. So, if you want to voyage with the Purple People on ancient seas, tune in and we'll hoist the mainsheet.   

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