252. The silent consequences of your unactioned choices
The Inner Work Conversation - Un pódcast de Nikki Cross

Links to related episodes: * Episode 237 - How to not give up when it’s hardThis episode ties into the perseverance needed to continue practicing your choices, even when faced with obstacles.Listen here* Episode 158 - How to support yourselfThis aligns with the idea of how essential self-support is when you’re turning choices into action.Listen here* Episode 105 - Building self-assuranceA great fit for the theme of making choices actionable, this episode dives into building the confidence required to stay committed to your decisions.Listen here* Episode 149 - The truth about being needy and demandingThis episode explores how uncommunicated or unactioned choices can create tension in relationships, a concept that fits well with the "choices as practices" theme.Listen hereLINKS TO WORK WITH ME…BOOK IN YOUR ENQUIRY CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/thrivelifeandbusiness/friday-enquiriesJOIN THE LEADERSHIP CLINIC HERE: https://www.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/the-leadership-clinicJOIN THE INNER WORK CLUB - CLICK HEREBUY MY WORKSHOPS:* BUY ALL THREE (DISCOUNTED): https://courses.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/offers/eH8nFo32* ZOOM OUT: https://courses.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/offers/cnG2ivKk* CONNECT TO YOURSELF: https://courses.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/offers/LgNRDo5o* PLAN LIKE A HUMAN: https://courses.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/offers/8qBPFtVSCONNECT WITH ME ON INSTAGAM HEREDOWNLOAD *FREE* PODCAST PDF GUIDE: https://courses.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/pl/2148295919PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING HERE: https://www.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/private-coachingCHECK OUT MY 200+ PODCAST EPISODES HERE: https://www.thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/podcast This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit nikkicross.substack.com