266. Why overcomplicating things is actually self sabotage (& what to do about it)
The Inner Work Conversation - Un pódcast de Nikki Cross

LINKS:The Instagram post (HERE) where I tell that story about my boss who cared about my results not my effort WORK TOGETHER:To join the Inner Work Business Book Club CLICK HERE: https://thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/bookclub#joinbookclubTo join the Inner Work Club CLICK HERE: https://thrivewithnikkicross.co.uk/theinnerworkclub#joinRELATED EPISODES: Listen to Roberta’s episode 260 on having a supportive structure in business Episodes on SELF ASSURANCE:105 - Building self assurance (with journal prompts)166 - The price you pay for their approval 181 - Learning how to trust yourself is a profitable skill99 - Stop letting the stories in your head f*ck you over 213 - How I cultivate self belief 217 - How to deal with the negative stories in your head 236 - Lessons in overcoming perfectionism244 - How to tame your inner critic SELF SABOTAGE EPISODES (taken from my podcast guide - downlod it here) Results honesty - when YOU are the problem199 - Stop letting the stories in your head f*ck you over197 - Dealing with your inner critic190 - Want to get out of your own way? Here’s how189 - How to cope with uncertainty in business181 - Learning how to trust yourself is a profitable skill180 - How to support yourself when you’re feeling isolation exhaustion176 - The costs of impatience in business162 - Tackle your avoidance habit157 - The false benefits of holding yourself back143 - Keep falling off the wagon? Listen to THIS139 - Are you f*cking yourself over?124 - How your assumptions are holding you back104 - How to ask for and accept support79 - Take responsibility of yourself39 - I self sabotage, you self sabotage...we ALL self sabotage33 - Self doubt vs. Your goals32 - Why you struggle to follow throughThat digging image I mentioned) This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit nikkicross.substack.com