The John Campea Podcast Ep 31 - Rogue One Trailer Fail Wonder Woman Pics

The John Campea Podcast


On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (recorded Saturday July 16th 2016) John discusses the following topics:

1) Star Wars Rogue One missing trailer

2) Rebels season 3 trailer

3) Wonder Woman pictures

4) Suicide Squad tracking for $125 million

5) Transformers: The Last Knight

And the following viewer emails:

What do you think about Tim Duncan retirement? ~ B Wayne

What do you think will be the better showcase for Andrew Garfield; Mel Gibson's "Hacksaw Ridge", or Martin Scorsese's "Silence"? Keep up the awesome work, you're one of the best! ~Aaron Teters

Hi John. I'm really excited for Justice League with all the news and stuff but my fear is with all that fun and light tone in the movie do you think that they will ruin the character of Ben Affleck's Batman? Like in Batman & Robin. ~Vader Little

I have a question for your podcast next week. I know you liked the movie Batman v Superman despite its flaws and I agree with you that despite those flaws it isn’t that bad of a film. My question for you is what would YOU have done to make the movie better? What would have taken out or in to the film to make it a hit at the box office? ~Jim Gillentine

Follow John on facebook and twitter at @JohnCampea