Be Here Now. Track 03. - hare.

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - Un pódcast de Skrillex


Canon (one “n”) refers to a collection of rules or texts that are considered to be authoritative. Shakespeare and Chaucer are part of the canon of Western literature, so you might read their work in an English class. noun a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspiredsee more noun a set group of works that are considered to be high quality and representative of a fieldsee more noun the collection of works by a writer or artist that are considered to be authenticsee more noun a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy“the neoclassical canon”“canons of polite society”see more noun a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Churchsee more noun a priest who is a member of a cathedral chaptersee more noun a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other partssee more noun a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall synonyms: canyonsee more Meta Writing is a type of writing that draws attention to itself as writing, or that is about writing. It has been around since the time of Don Quixote and Tristram Shandy. Jill Talbot's Metawritings: Toward a Theory of Nonfiction is a collection that includes metawriting in both fiction and nonfiction, such as personal essays, short stories, and a film script excerpt Porque no las dos. That's true, but if I slit my wrists and nobody reads this, is it scripture or just a win for the white supremacy and endless material for the entertainment industry thereafter? Total Post Mortem. I almost feel like I would enjoy anything infinitely more post mortem. Abort! Abort! Why—I like writing in this color. I love it, All of it should be this color. It should. All of it. Yes. What would you call it. dark periwinkle. That's fucking gay. It is, kind of faggy. You can't say that. I… can say whatever I want. I love [redacted] But I guess if the line is being said out out it's I love faggots. HEY. I mean. Fuck. I love [censored] It's true. Jesus loves homosexuals. Correct. When is this fast over? Like, never. Still strategizing a way to beat Satan. Have you considered a baseball bat? No, that won't work. There's too many possessions. Have you considered repossessing them? The—what? The possessed humans. Have you considered repossessing them? How do I do that? You take their souls. You—they don't have souls— Then get them. [beat] Hm. Thanks. I'll make some arrangements. No biggie. Anytime. What is that? Anyway— tell the big guy– Tell him yourself [Me, Myself, and I] I fucking hate saving mankind. Best of luck. Have you considered trying a woman this time? That's preposterous. It is. But also— Oh, God— OH GOD. Fuck man, I should have never fucked that asshole. I would do anything to get inside that woman, …you don't say. I love you. You're gay. I'm a boy. That's fine. Wait, really. Yes. I don't care. But that's gay! So I'm gay, okay! Just for you though. Jesus, you shouldn't be driving. Take the wheel! Take the wheel! Well, why not. Because you never learned how. two; Where's dad?!? Being an asshole, What else is new? YEET. Fuck. What. I left my hat in— Was that Rome or Athens?' It all blurs together these days— Imm telling you there's something wrong with this picture If I get a tattoo of a puzzle piece to commemorate my very own destruction, will you still consume me entirely, or— It's out of my hands at this point He's got the whooooole world In his hands! MAYDAY MAYDAY BUT ITS FUCKING JULY. MAYDAY. ABORT, ABORT. The simulation has been infiltrated. By what. I'm basaaaaaaaaaack. Oh s— Shhh! Quiet. QUIET ON SET. You had to do it, didn't you. WHO LET HIM IN HERE??? Whoever. I told you already. You're not God! I know that! I'm his son! Josiah! Who what. No, it's Hoziah Who, what? The dog. Of FUCK. Was I fasting this long when I wrote all that? I don't know what drug does that. Love! No, it's not but GOD I want you to watch [Redacted] What. [redacted] For what? we'll see, Kill him. OH, shit . Gimmie my monster! GET IN THE TRUNK, DICK. WHO ARE YOU. SHUT UP. OW, BE CAREFUL. I JUST HAD A COLONOSCOPY. Of course you did! {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2019-2024 | THE COMPLEX COLLECTIVE. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū.

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