One Trick That Will Make You Happier + The Best Funeral Prank Ever!

Today we are talking about upkeeping! The annoying, little things you do on a daily basis to keep decay at bay and away. Brushing your teeth, stretching, recycling, skin care, taking your B12... According to David, Jenny is his biggest upkeep. And according to Jenny, David is a lazy bastard who'd probably be a crazy hoarder if he hadn't met her. Speaking of decay / doom & gloom, in this podcast we're also planning our funerals and discussing halloween. Tag us on instagram with anything you do halloween related, we want to see what you're up to this spooooky time of year! This Podcast is sponsored by Charles and Colvard: Go to and get 20% off your first purchase :) & Skillshare: Go to and get two months of Skillshare for FREE! :) Join Our Facebook Group: Let us know your thoughts @themustards_ on instagram Check Out Jenny's Channel: Buy Jenny's book here: US: UK: DE: WORLDWIDE SHIPPING !!! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit