Episode 1 - Being You Even When People Don’t Like It
The Power of Being You Podcast - Un pódcast de thepowerofbeingyou

Episode 1 - In this episode, Sarah Grandinetti explores BEING YOU, whether people like it or not with the amazing Merlijn Wolskink. Merlijn is a Dutch dancer/performer and Drag Queen, also known as Ms Magic Merlot. In addition he is a brilliant Access Consciousness facilitator. How often have you done something, or been something that seemed to make people walk away from you - leaving you feeling like you've done something wrong or bad? And how much have you tried to get be right, normal, avargea and real beaucsue of that? And hidden who you truly be? Merlijn knows all about that. And what is possible when we are willing to lose the “fear” being rejected? What if we could even have allowance for when other people choose to reject us? What freedom could that create? Who could we be? Come along to hear about Merlijns adventure in being him. Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/merlijnwolsink1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/merlijnwolsink/?hl=en Website: https://handsonaccess.nl/en/welcome/ Email: [email protected] Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/merlijnwolsinknl Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/merlijn-wolsink