Sweet little lies. 26th November 2024.

The Rock Drive - Un pódcast de rova | The Rock


  Today on the radio show. 1:28 - Smoko chat. 6 - Sieze the Carpe tattoo. 9:49 - 5 Million song challenge. 12:32 - Tony Soprano impression from Aries Spears. 14:56 - Sibling rivalry.  19:04 - African Proverbs. 22:26 - Cat chat. 26:51 - Telling lies. 29:37 - Sweet little lies. 32:27 - Road man science. https://tinyurl.com/yc58bsra  35:54 - Cheapest swords on Trade Me. 38:54 - Late mail. 43:42 - Last drinks. Get in touch with us: https://linktr.ee/therockdrive

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