Episode 2: Editors, Pairing, RailsConf, and RPC

The Ruby Blend


Sponsored By:


Ron Cooke
Nate Hopkins
Andrew Mason


None this week

Show Notes

[00:46:14] In this episode, Ron talks about “blending” with Python as he updates services to Python 3. Also, he talks about what he’s bumping into as they go from 2.7 to 3 which included having to add parentheses to things like print statements, inequalities, and debugging.

[04:43:06] Andrew inquires on what editor Ron is using and he states VIM. Andrew suggests PyCharm from Jet Brains is the cream of the crop for developing Python.

[09:30:09] Andrew talks about his post on dev.to and how he sets up code for Ruby and Ruby on Rails development in VS code. Also, why he prefers VS code.

[12:19:07] Ron talks about starting out in Sublime, “trying” to use VIM and being overwhelmed. It wasn’t until he was at a Ruby conference called Ancient City when he saw “Code Gods” using VIM. He took some courses on Upcase by thoughtbot and learned to configure VIM.

[15:31:07] Andrew talks about his path to VIM and how now it’s all just muscle memory. Ron agrees. Andrew says he’s still faster and proposes an editor war. Let the trash talking begin!

[17:43:01] Andrew talks about how him and Nate have been using Tuple for pairing (Tuple.app). The panel goes in depth about Tuple and how it’s tailored towards the developer.

[24:26:27] Andrew brings up Ruby Weekly, which Ron and him were talking about. There was an article on using materialized views in rails. Nate tells us how it all works for queries.

[30:29:10] Nate wants to know what else is new in the Ruby world. Andrew brings up Rack 2.1 and 1.1. Also, Rails Conference in Portland is coming up May 5-7 (railsconf.com). The guys go over the agenda for this year.

[34:39:19] Nate insists Andrew needs to check out the sequel GEM by Jeremy Evans. Nate has a little experience using it so he fills us in on it.

[42:59:00] Andrew finally learns what “RPC” stands for. While Nate and him work together, Nate always throws that out there. Andrew has been too afraid to ask. It’s remote procedure call. Ron explains how it works and Nate expands on it.

Are you wondering what our panelists are currently working on? Tune in and learn.


Ruby on Rails Development with VS Code
Sublime Text
Upcase by thoughtbot
Ruby Weekly
RailsConf Portland
Sequel by Jeremy Evans