077 Part 2 - How A Guy In Canada Built 3 Multi-Million Dollar Businesses By 30 - With Andrew Wilkinson

The SaaS Podcast - SaaS, Startups, Growth Hacking & Entrepreneurship - Un pódcast de Omer Khan - Jueves


Andrew Wilkinson is the founder of MetaLab and Flow. Metalab is a design agency that Andrew founded when he was just 20 years old and has grown it into a business with over 60 employees. MetaLab is the design team behind Slack which is now valued at $2.8 billion. And Flow is a task management SaaS application for teams which is used by companies like Etsy, Tesla, Adobe, and TED. Links, Resources & People Mentioned •Metalab •Ballpark •Flow •Pixel Union •OmniFocus •Tumbler •David Karp - @davidkarp •Andrew Wilkinson - @awilkinson •Omer Khan - @omerkhan Enjoyed this episode? •Subscribe to the podcast •Leave a rating and review •Follow Omer on Twitter Need help with your SaaS? •Join SaaS Club Plus: our membership and community for new and early-stage SaaS founders. Join and get training & support. •Join SaaS Club Launch: a 12-week group coaching program to help you get your SaaS from zero to your first $10K revenue. •Apply for SaaS Club Accelerate: If you'd like to work directly with Omer 1:1, then request a free strategy session.

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