084 Part 1 - How A Neglected Side Project Turned Into A Multi-Million Dollar Startup - With Amir Salihefendic
The SaaS Podcast - SaaS, Startups, Growth Hacking & Entrepreneurship - Un pódcast de Omer Khan - Jueves

Amir Salihefendic is the founder and CEO of Doist.io, the makers of Todoist, an online and mobile task management app. He started Todoist in 2007 when he was still a student with two programming jobs on the side. He needed a way to manage his own work and productivity but couldn't find the right tool. So he decided to build his own tool. Links, Resources & People Mentioned •Doist.io •Todoist •Hacking and Gonzo •Plurk •Dropbox •Airbnb •Amir Salihefendic - @amix3k •Omer Khan - @omerkhan Enjoyed this episode? •Subscribe to the podcast •Leave a rating and review •Follow Omer on Twitter Need help with your SaaS? •Join SaaS Club Plus: our membership and community for new and early-stage SaaS founders. Join and get training & support. •Join SaaS Club Launch: a 12-week group coaching program to help you get your SaaS from zero to your first $10K revenue. •Apply for SaaS Club Accelerate: If you'd like to work directly with Omer 1:1, then request a free strategy session.