095 3 Surprisingly Simple Growth Hacks That Could Double Your Leads - With Vincent Cassar
The SaaS Podcast - SaaS, Startups, Growth Hacking & Entrepreneurship - Un pódcast de Omer Khan - Jueves

Vincent Cassar is the founder of Keeping.com, a Gmail extension that adds helpdesk functionality into any Gmail or Google Apps account. It allows you and your team to manage your customer support right from your mailbox instead of using an external helpdesk app. Links, Resources & People Mentioned •Keeping •The Growth Hacking Experiment •Boomerang •Aye Moah •Steli Efti •Close.io •Quora •Maria Dykstra •Tredigital •Vincent Cassar - @vincentcassar | vincent [at] keeping [dot] com •Omer Khan - @omerkhan Enjoyed this episode? •Subscribe to the podcast •Leave a rating and review •Follow Omer on Twitter Need help with your SaaS? •Join SaaS Club Plus: our membership and community for new and early-stage SaaS founders. Join and get training & support. •Join SaaS Club Launch: a 12-week group coaching program to help you get your SaaS from zero to your first $10K revenue. •Apply for SaaS Club Accelerate: If you'd like to work directly with Omer 1:1, then request a free strategy session.