A Golden God: For a Few Deaths More (2/27/25)
TST Radio - Un pódcast de Ryan Gable

The AI-video of Trump’s Gaza, featuring a golden statue of the President, finally has Christians worried about his role in the rise of the anti-Christ. A similar golden statue of King Nebuchadnezzar was recorded in the book of Daniel, an object the people were required to worship upon the playing of music. However, three Jews named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refused to worship that statue and were thus thrown into a furnace. In a scary parallel, the same day Trump pinned the golden video, in the golden age, to his Truth Social, the Department of Justice antisemitism task force condemned all criticism and opinion of Israel, stating: “We are going to put these people in jail—not for 24 hours, but for years.” This is an expansion of the violations of the First Amendment, which includes shutting down protests, free speech, and press if any anti-Israel statement or action perceived. This same administration is now talking about expanding red flag laws and abiding by due process only in name, something the Michael Bloomberg groups love. The golden statue could also be viewed in another way, especially since the Jews were no strangers to worshiping false idols like the golden bull or Remphen. As universal tolerance of religion was the norm in the Roman world, only one group of people refused to participate. Jewish communities, which had sealed themselves off from the rest of mankind, rejected the Roman acceptance of all religions, and rejected the sacrifice offered to their god by Augustus, refusing to offer even an empty gesture to Jupiter. This, along with universally foreign customs, caused Jews to be disliked. Edward Gibbon writes further, “The conquest of the land of Canaan was accomplished with so many wonderful and with so many bloody circumstances that the victorious Jews were left in a state of irreconcilable hostility with all their neighbors.” And this is where we find ourselves today, where much of the hatred for Israel is a byproduct of their own penmanship. The Democrat protests are financed to make Israel a victim, something Republicans are financed to remedy through war. The US Government is occupied by the authors of destruction to every act of civility and natural rights. Nations, peoples, groups, religions, etc., are turning on Jews and Israel, to the detriment of decent Jews. Nations and peoples are sick of the chosen race rhetoric, antisemitism charges, the lack of consequences for crimes, and the blatant disregard Israel has for humanity, human rights, religious tolerance, civility, decency, and a society free of degeneracy. -FREE ARCHIVE (w. ads)SUBSCRIPTION ARCHIVEX / TWITTER FACEBOOKWEBSITECashApp: $rdgable EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected] a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/tst-radio--5328407/support.