Roman America for Answers (12/26/24)
TST Radio - Un pódcast de Ryan Gable

The Roman leader Decius realized, even after restoring Roman authority, that it was impossible to restore the greatness of Rome without “restoring public virtue, ancient principles and manners, and the oppressed majesty of the laws.” (Gibbon). Under these oppressed conditions, a censor, the enforcer of morality, becomes “empty pageantry” and an instrument of “vexatious oppression.” These are the current conditions of U.S. citizenry too, with political movements of all affiliations pushing the dissolving of free speech, protest, press, and religion, for reasons varying from Marxist “equity” to protecting only certain religious groups. Part of the issue is the increasingly difficult nature of determining what is reality with news reports from the assassin Luigi to Sebastian, the subway arsonist, pumping out contradictory reports. The comparison of Luigi to Lee H. Oswald recently has other implications as does his name alongside Sean Diddy (Kong) Combs as they relate to popular video games. The fact their two lawyers are married, and one handled the Weinstein case, adds to the paranoid. Meanwhile, a Guatemalan Jewish cult, responsible for kidnapping, trafficking, and abusing children and women, and also responsible for breaking into the holding facility to steal those children back, is facing little to no scrutiny because of there identity. The corruption of morality in exchange for virtuous signaling infests both political parties in the U.S., leaving even perceived pro-American leaders as nothing more than vexatious oppressors, especially when the public is without virtue or order.-FREE ARCHIVE (w. ads)SUBSCRIPTION ARCHIVEX / TWITTER FACEBOOKWEBSITEPAYPALCashApp: $rdgable EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected] a supporter of this podcast: