Episode 81: Parental Support From Naveen Jain
The Secret to Success... Isn't So Secret! - Un pódcast de The Secret to Success Isn't So Secret!

Today’s topic is support and the focus is on parent’s supporting their children. And guess what… most parents have it all wrong! If that shocks you, then you don't want to miss this video because Naveen Jain, serial entrepreneur and father of 3 successful entrepreneurs as well, is going to answer some questions from parents, and the answers aren’t exactly what you might think, so listen, learn and take action. To learn more about Maggio Multicultural Academy & Foundation as well as the programs we offer, visit: https://maggiovirtualacademy.com/ To order a copy of "Follows and Likes Is This All That I'm Worth?" visit: https://maggiomulticulturalfoundation.org/follows-and-likes/ To listen to our podcast, visit: https://thesecrettosuccesspodcast.com/ To read the article about Naveen and His Family, "Raising Entrepreneurs" visit: https://issuu.com/entrepreneursuccessmagazine/docs/entrepreneur_success_october_2021 To read Naveen's Article "The Entrepreneur vs. His Eye-Rolling Teenage Daughter" visit: https://www.inc.com/naveen-jain/the-entrepreneurial-mindset-vs-my-eye-rolling-teenager.html