371. How To Talk To Your Doctor To MAYBE Get the Help You Need
The Thyroid Fixer - Un pódcast de Dr. Amie Hornaman

Here's an episode where we're tackling a topic you've asked for - how to talk to your doctor, especially when dealing with the wild world of thyroid issues. This one's a shoutout to my fierce listeners in the Girl Picture Thyroid Group who are ready to take charge of their health conversations. Let's cut to the chase: Talking to your doctor can be a hit or miss. On the bright side, if you march into that office loaded with the right info and questions we're laying out today, you can make some real headway. That’s if you're dealing with a doc who's got your back but might be a bit lost in the thyroid world of knowledge. But here's the raw truth - not every doc out there gets the full picture of thyroid and hormone chaos. Whether it’s the folks in conventional medicine lanes or even the functional and integrative medicine gurus - some just don’t have the secret sauce for thyroid and hormone mastery. It’s a nuanced art. And it takes a specialist (yeah, someone like me or another thyroid hormone master) to lead you to optimization land of symptom relief and optimal health. This episode is your arsenal for those doctor showdowns. We’re talking strategies to gear up for your appointments, tips to lay out your symptoms like a boss, and knowing when it's time to level up to a specialist who actually speaks thyroid and hormones. So, wrap up this session with some solid takeaways that’ll turn you into your own health advocate. It's about standing tall, speaking loud, and getting the damn care you deserve. And hey, don't forget to join the conversation in our Girl, Fix Your Thyroid Group – let's keep this optimization revolution going. Join Girl, Fix Your Thyroid Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dramie/ Shop ALL of Dr. Amie's Fixxr® Supplements: betterlifedoctor.com Subscribe to my Text Club: Text DRAMIE to 8332631365 LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman Book a free application call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call FREE DOWNLOADS… Are My Labs Optimal? What Do I Do? Don't know where to start...don't know which labs are useful? And what to do when you get your results? “How To” Guide For Supplements Here’s your Fixxr® supplement timeline and guide. Fix Your Thyroid and Adrenals To Fix Your Life Check your symptoms of hypothyroidism and know OPTIMAL thyroid lab values. Learn why you are being told you’re “NORMAL” by your doctor. Can Supplements Help with Hypothyroidism? Grab this thorough guide to help you select the most advantageous supplements that will best suit your health circumstances. CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer®...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dramie/ Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman