How to Build Your Bucket List Blueprint With Trav Bell

Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks - Un pódcast de Sean Osborn


Welcome to the Thinking Big Podcast. Today we get to talk with Trav Bell, THE Bucket List Guy.  Someone first called Trav the Bucket List Guy about ten years ago, (and no it was not David Hasselhoff). It was because of all the crazy and interesting things he has done in his life. From the age of eighteen – well before Bucket Lists were a ‘thing’ – Trav had written a ‘To Do Before I Die List’. Today, as a forty (something) year-old guy, thanks to The Bucket List movie and the popularity of the concept, they certainly popular now. Trav’s Bucket List is the reason why he attacks life. It’s always been his compass, his motivation. It continues to give him purpose and bring meaning into his life.  Ignorantly, he thought everyone had a written list like his… apparently not. Today we will discover: What is a Reverse Bucket List?   What is a Future Bucket List? What is a F%CKIT List? Why you must #tickitB4Ukickit A bonus, Why “The Hoff” is so popular in Australia. So today, we are thinking big into why LIFE'S WAY TOO SHORT NOT TO LIVE YOUR BUCKET LIST LIFE. Get in touch with Trav Bell.   Order the Bucket List Blueprint book here:   Bucket List Life Podcast Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching   Until next week, remember to always think big Thanks for listening! It means a lot to me and to the guests. If you enjoyed listening then please do take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite player using the links below. Episode Transcription SUMMARY KEYWORDS bucket list, people, life, book, bucket list items, write, thinking big, david hasselhoff, mount everest, run,  ironman, absolutely, business, list, years,   Welcome to the thinking big podcast. Today, we get to talk with Travis Bell, the bucket list guy. Someone first called trap the bucket list guy about 10 years ago. And no, it was not David Hasselhoff. But it was because of all the crazy and interesting things he's done in his life. From the age of 18, this is well before the bucket list were thing Trump had written a to do before I die list. And today, as a 40 something year old guy, thanks to the bucket list movie and the popularity of the concept. It is certainly a popular thing now. Trump's bucket list is the reason why he attacks life. It's always been his compass, his motivation, and it continues to give him purpose and bring meaning into his life. And ironically, he thought everybody had written a list like this, and it is apparent that it's not true. So today, we're thinking big into why life's too short, not to live your bucket list life.   Welcome to the thinking big podcast with Sean Osborne. The show helping you think bigger into your life and potential Shaun believes by equipping you with the tools, strategies and philosophies required to be successful in all aspects of your life you can achieve anything you believe in empowering our own growth makes a deeply positive and lasting impact on our lives, community and our world. Now, here's Sean, everybody. I want to welcome tribe bell to the podcast today. I have been looking so forward to this because the stuff you do, I think actually wakes people up or makes you alive. But for the people listening you know, Travis, he's from the bucket list guy. Yeah, he is the bucket list guy. He's got, you know, his podcasts. He's got his coaching. He's got his speaking. And, man, I am so excited to have you on. But I do have one question because I really   question the sanity of where you're at. You think in the US why and how did David Hasselhoff ever get popular over there?   Oh, wow.   I   would it   I've never been able to figure that out. Okay, so   why would you elect Donald Trump? I'm gonna ask a question with a question because there's both each other.   There might be related, I don't know, to show.   So the I've actually like check this out. I've actually met David Hasselhoff   True Story Fun fact, I represented. I'm not going to speak on behalf of the nation.   But I was I grew up doing surf lifesaving like lifeguarding, competition and as a swim out surf lifesaver and doing   doing all that stuff when I was growing up. And our state was in the state team and we actually competed against California and the California lifeguards. And back in the day when Baywatch was at its peak. We went to the set of Baywatch. They're in Malibu and actually met David Hasselhoff went out in the water with him and all that net net that pretty much my life that was my life Pinnacle right there.   downhill since   but   Baywatch was huge. Everywhere was in it, was it? I think it was owl. Owl. You know, we were full of Australian lifeguards and the surf lifesaving movement here in Australia. You know, bondo rescue was another another big thing over here. I don't know that. That's pretty sad, though, isn't it? It really is.   I thought it was his singing that got so popular there. So that's what I don't. Well, he he, he single handedly bought down the wall, didn't he?   He single handedly got up on that thing and bogged down the wall   between East and West Germany back in the day 89 I think it was or something like that. And, I mean, the harsh You know, we've got a lot to thank   Jesus. All right, well, that makes a little bit   happened. But I want to I want to get into all the stuff that you're doing because it's such To me, it's such great stuff. And it's such when we start having these bucket list items or these things that just go out and do epic shit. I'm not doing epic shit bucket list up. Yeah, absolutely. For me, it absolutely wakes me up as a human. It. It's what drives me. It's what God did. There's just so much to doing   Teaching and there's so much I mean, it just breeds so much life into people. Now, how did you? I know, but the people, you know, people listening, how did you get started in doing the bucket list? So that, yeah, hello how this came about? I've been the bucket list guy for 10 years now, you know, and how it all actually started is someone actually called me the backup this guy, like, you know, user generated content, as we say in my internet marketing speaker, but someone actually called me the back of this guy was not   it wasn't David Hasselhoff. No, I wish it was, I wish but   again, again.   I mean, he is the original bucket this guy, I'm just his Lackey, you know, so he can do anything.   And he'll tell you about the now I was in the you know, we just, you know, talked about the Iron Man, I just talked about my life getting a job growing up. So I did a phys ed degree after after high school. And I started personal fitness training back in the early 90s. So that was my first business, I started personal training my own business, always worked for myself   side that in third uni. And then started with one client, I was the first to franchise personal fitness training studios in Australia, I did that. And I did that for 20 years in the personal training industry. And that was pretty much my identity.   One of the biggest personal training companies here in Australia, 10s of 1000s of clients later, you know, a whole bunch of personal trainers working under that brand chain of gyms up and down the eastern seaboard in Australia, over 2 million personal training sessions done under that brand. And but it was   I, I sort of became a bit too much of a lawyer a bit too much of an accountant, there was some toxic people, there's a   it became too much for me to be honest. And I found myself in a bit of a downward spiral I went, you know, there's some toxic people in my life and situations and circumstances and legal stuff. And it just became too much. And I found myself slipping into a mild when   compared to what I've heard since I'll be at a mild state of depression, but instead of going on heavy antidepressants, which, you know, as you know, is kind of like a band aid effect. I wanted to get to the root cause my psychology of what I was going through. So being always curious, I wanted to find out what the hell was going on. So I signed up for every course known to man and you know, when they said run to the back of the room, I rent I was in first round to the back of room Sign me up for the upgrade, you know how it goes and   but I learned about positive psychology I learned about you know, NLP life coaching, Academy principle, law of attraction, etc, etc, etc. and had mentors books in but I really had to force myself at that point in time to go to these things. And it wasn't until I've worked through a whole lot of stuff, a friend of mine, at the end of it about a year and a half of really intense, full immersion kind of learning. A friend of mine said, Hey, why don't you teach this shit truth.   And that actually helped me compartmentalize what I was going through, I'm like, that's why I'm here and helped me justify what all the money I'd spent as well. Like, that's why I'm here. I'm here to teach this stuff. So I put on a tour   and only had to pay the 40 people to come to my tour. And it was shit compared to what I do now. But about halfway through I started sharing my list to do before I died always had one written down since I was 18. A lot of people didn't know that about and this is on 10 years ago.   And I'm certainly not 18 anymore.   And I said you know who else has got one of these lists to do before you die? She written down like me and and I was like doughnuts. Now. I was the only freak in the room. I said why are you you know, there's some entrepreneurs in their own nervous and you know, why? Why are you earning money? You know what, why are you getting out of bed in the morning? Why do you want more time? Why do you want to grow your business? Why do you want to climb the corporate ladder? What is your reason? Why? commonly?   No pay off the house? Put the kids through school? do a bit of trouble when I'm older. Yeah, and possibly sicker. I want   Is that it? Yep. Have you written any of that down now?   Well,   that inspired the group I started sharing my list and some of the things that I'd done and for me since I was 18   I don't know whether I picked it up from a Tony Robbins scene or something, I just wrote down his list. And I've always been crossing it off. So wherever I went and shared housing, or wherever I had my little blue folder with my list to do before I die. And I just thought everyone did it, honestly. And then to realize it was a bit of a, you know, awakening thing for a lot of a tool for a lot of people in that seminar, and it fired everyone up. And it really got them thinking. And then Joe, one of the participants said, at the end has all this list to do before you die stuff. It's like you're back at this short, you'll love the back of this guy. And when ping lightbulb moment is around that time that I read the four hour workweek by Tim Ferriss who I've met on my lunch with on my bucket list and   and yeah, it was like, that was the epiphany. That was the lightbulb moment that I went now what I'm going to get out of personal training, I sold off all my gym beside the franchise the whole thing, and was and then went online. And it was scary. But I knew there was something this this packet this could really offer me it was really congruent to my values. It's a reflection of who I am. I can help more people kind of life coaching but not life coaching. Because it's gets met with skepticism. Yeah, but it's a way in which I can you know, travel the world do my bucket list and help others to live, you know, live a life experiencing more meaning purpose and fulfillment through this lens. And back at least really what I teach is positive psychology, which is the psychology or the The Science of Happiness, really, but with this bucket list, you know, theme over the top, but that's how it all started, man. Yeah, and it to me, it's the it's the whole you said it's the why of things. It's like we do all this shit all our life to eventually get to a place that we don't know what it is we, as you said, no one writes it down. No one does this.   What's interesting, though, is   you did that at 18. So you made a bucket list of 18 or so lists to do before a dive before I called it a bucket list before the movie. Yeah. And it's like that one decision that you made. It's weird that if we look back to our lives, there are certain things that we do. We don't know why we do. I mean, you get a bucket list. And you know, Monday this is just something I do but   I think things that we put down on paper and things that we do like that actually helped develop our develop our life develop where we're going. So it does it does if you don't write stuff down, you're not like you know, the stats say that if you if you write stuff down, actually, right? Remember this stuff called? member this member these   guys? Crazy concept. It's called a pain of kids. And and this is called paper. It's a crazy. Yeah. Okay, if you answer   this is we're in the 21st century, this is a electronic piece of paper. Just I don't want to continue just ruining the whole thing now. So so this is my point, your your major horror, I think we rehearsed this earlier. But   if you actually write stuff down Go analog, there is statistics to prove that if you actually put pen to paper, it's more of a conscious process even more than typing into your phone or a computer. I don't know about the whole tablet kind of pen thing that you got going on over there, man, but but I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle. It's more of a consciousness process. Albeit,   if you actually write stuff down, you got a 42% more likelihood of actually manifesting, you know, things turning up. So whether it be goals, or whether it be bucket list, or whatever, just writing stuff down that that is my tip of the day is to write stuff down, get it out of your head, because we're so busy on our daily to do lists that we forget about our bucket list until something traumatic or dramatic happens to us or a loved one. You know, so I want to my whole thing is in our coaches around the world to is to help wake people up before they get given the use by date.   Yeah, this suddenly, yeah, you get given a boy died suddenly, people reprioritize Go on. Now my bucket list is important, you know, like the movie was shit, because because there's about two blokes who get given a cancer diagnosis. And then they write a bucket list, which is done. Yeah, I base my career on.   And that is the thing, if you don't write this stuff down to me, when we write it down, we actually   mean that's part of the manifesting of is creating what we want in life. You know, you mentioned you know, the law of attraction and creating what we want. And I fully believe in that. And I think if we don't write stuff down if we don't make that plan, and if you don't put pen to paper and you don't physically write, it's like building a house. You can't just say, to build something there. You've got to be   pen to paper and you got to draw the damn command and draw the blueprint of the house. And so what is so easy to do is easy not to do, right? It's easy to do is easy not to do easy. People don't even write goals down, they look back at the start, and because of fear of success and fear of failure, same psychological makeup, you know, they might have done in the past. And they're like, well, if I write that down, I'm sort of committing to myself, but I won't let myself down. I've disappointed myself in a form in a form of life. So I'm not going to give this again. So people are scared of actually writing goals now. But yeah, the thing is about writing stuff down. I know, it's really simple. But if you don't write stuff down, you're not typing into Google.   What your search terms are, right, you know, and you're not getting the information fed to you, the universe will not provide that information by osmosis or frickin telepathy. All right, you got a hunch in, you got a punch in Google? You know, by writing it down. I believe we're punching it into Google. And then, you know, as NLP teaches you, then the universe you know, it's a Why is strong enough? The hell will work itself out. We're gonna know what that wise first. And that's why I think the way that you do things on not setting goals, but setting bucket lists, to me my bucket list items. Those are my wise. Yeah, I don't care how Yeah, I don't care how I get there. I don't care. But I write a book, I don't care. It doesn't matter how I get to the end. That bucket list item is my why. And if I focus on having a list of my why's that is so much more powerful than the having a list of my goals, I might have a goal of writing a book, I might have a goal of, you know, doing a, you know, a talk in front of 5000 people, I might have a goal. But that's not what drives me, what drives me is the bucket list of being able to go and hike in the you know, wherever and go to Australia and surf on the, you know, certain air and to travel and do all these things. Those bucket list items. For me, that's actually what drives my goals. And that's why I think it's such a powerful concept is you're not with this bucket list. I'm not worried about my goal. I'm not worried about the why I have   Yeah, you're right, you're right. I think when we say goals to anyone, they sort of they, you know, they shrink. And as business coaches, even Life Coach, you know, like, we we say that to people and, and they get scared of it. But if you say bucket list has got a lot more fun attached to it, and a lot more a lot more individuality, they can be a little bit more loose. Yeah, it's got a motion. It's, and it takes into account. And I've written about this so many times in the book. And, you know, it takes into account all the smart Golding, you know, and the SMART goal.   You know, acronym there is specific, targeted, measurable, all that sort of thing. And what these things are, top, there's two types of goals, right is there's a type, there's an achievement goal and a habit goal. So an achievement goal is where you get to the end and you go   you know, yep, I've ticked that off ticket before you kick it. Alright, so I have ticked that off. That is an achievement that is a bucket list item. But there's the habit goal, which is my you know, you're drinking a lot of water, they're shown and they may, you know, drink four liters of water a day that that's a habit goal. And now those habit goals might be contributing towards, you know, the end result of an achievement goal or a backup this diagram, but the two,   you know, interrelated.   But let's be really specific. A bucket list is a tangible life plan, right? You know, where your career plan in your business plan should fit into your life plan and not be the other way around. So this is really bringing home that work to live principle, if, and I'm sure the people around you that guide, you know, the people that you coach, that you're always saying, you know, your vehicle, your business, your job, your career, whatever, it's got to produce two things. And those two things are the cash flow and also the time flow for you, the owner to go out there and do your bucket list. It's not about the time and money is what gets spit out of a good optimized business, right. And double bonus if you actually love what you do, which a lot of people can't say that. If you actually love what you do is hitting your values, which is your internal rulebook, you're doing good for other people, you're of service to community. I think that's the holy grail, man, you know, like, if you're doing something you love, and it's giving you the time flow and the cash flow for you to to go and do your bucket list with your family and your mates, then then Thanks for coming. That's that's the that's it.   To me, and if everybody did that, we would be in a much, much better place. I mean, if everyone was happy with what they did, and they you know,   We'd be much happier. Well cap, you know, the sad reality in pre COVID 89% of people are what they call who work or an employer is disengaged. So there's 89% of people in America and it's an American stat, we go to work every day, just get the paycheck and go home and not engaged and not into what they're doing. They just get this got a job. Yeah, and that's, that's, that's scary. Because you look at and Australia and Canada, we're not that far off, you know, the western, we're not that far off. The point is, that those sort of statistics are all well and good. But when the, the, the negative effect of that is things like depression, mental health, anxiety, the loneliness, you know, we've got this thing called the loneliness epidemic. Now, that's the adverse effect of social media. Now, that's scary. It's an epidemic, that we know it is well, and truly, we know what a pandemic is. But this is an epidemic.   The over prescription of antidepressants, suicides, youth suicides, this is the shit that really gets me going. And this is my why, especially with young, you know, young men and suicides. Don't even get me started. And so   what I'm trying to do is, is, you know, through this lens of bucketlist, is get these positive psychology kind of principles out there, this other perspective maybe on life for people to either map into their world or not, I'm not telling anyone how to live their life, how they must, should or have to, or need to live or anything like that, just try it on ca go. But over the last 10 years, we've been really successful waking people up giving them that, that, you know, I've had people literally come off suicide watch, go off antidepressants, big call, but maybe right place right time. But at the end of the day, it really helped people get that perspective shift, you know, to be in more gratitude, to have more meaning purpose and fulfillment in their life. And for a lot of people right now, it's been the light at the end of the tunnel.   Because, you know, once again, these statistics are not getting any better, they were already shocking before COVID you gotta throw COVID on top of that, with Yeah, with that, you know, like, it's, it's pretty bad. And, and   so, just, and for everyone kind of listening and watching my life, this is not just about ticking a whole bunch of cool stuff off. This is really about how a person how we reverse engineer every aspect of our lives, in order to make this stuff come to fruition. Get encouraged, get excited about the growth of you on the journey towards these destinations, these self imposed destinations, but most importantly, get excited get curiously excited about the person that exists on the other side. And that's the person that we don't know yet. That's called out potential, right? Yeah.   We probably get excited about it. And people seem to think that their current situation is their potential. They think where they're at right then that that's their limit. That's their potential. Get yourself out of the ecosystem or the negative of negative support. Get around some people unfollow unsubscribe, stop watching the fucking news. Pretty simple. You know, control your inputs, control your inputs. One of the things that I learned when I've gone through depression is simply switch off the frickin news. You know, before we start our day within you with bad news ended with bad news. No wonder all depressed. It's like a shit sandwich. Oh, I mean, yeah. And then and then everyone has, like, a complaining competition whenever they catch up with each other.   Yeah. Now you'd you'd mentioned, you know, that kind of the achievement. And you know, the habit things and how they, how they interact. Now. For instance, one of my stories or, you know, part of my life is I was about, I'd say over 100 pounds overweight, somewhat depressed. I didn't realize I was clueless about how depressed I actually was, but overweight, too. And I had set up a you know, so I did a bucket list of, you know what, I'm going to do an Ironman. So, that one decision to do that, I, I couldn't swim. I couldn't I couldn't run to my damn cupboard to get the cookies out without being out of breath. I mean, it was. So it was way out. There was a bucket list thing that was like, Who the hell do you think you are? But I knew that by setting that huge bucket. To me, that was a bucket list item by setting that huge bucket list item. I would have to develop the habits to become that person to be able to do that. And it wasn't about crossing the finish line. It wasn't about crossing and hanging. I'm an Iron Man. It was who I was going to have to become habits I was going to have to develop the person I was going to have to be in order to go   across that line, yeah, those were the habits. You know, you talk about the habits. And now one decision, you know that one bucket list item completely changed my life. This was like 15 years ago. Yeah, yeah, 10 years ago, and it completely changed my life that just that one bucket list item. And that's Yeah, that's why I think this stuff is so damn powerful. That's what it's that's that that's a perfect example, man. You know, like, that's a perfect example of, I've got one.   The second thing I ever wrote, right? Second thing I ever wrote on my list to do before I die. When I was 18, before this whole bucket list, even moving in, was to complete a full Ironman, right. And I'd grown up as an this, the first thing I ever wrote was to go to base camp on Everest. And so I did that, I did that with my dad, and on the Tibetan side of Mount Everest, and that was absolutely. And and, and the thing is, when I got to Mount Everest, when I got to the advanced base camp on Mount Everest, which was 6500 meters, we got to, I don't know what that isn't feet.   That's the highest place in the world that you can, that you can track to without being you know, giving up the ice axes and getting on the rope and all that something.   The point, the point of that little story is that I went to Mount Everest base camp, advanced base camp, I had severe altitude sickness. And I felt like I was hung over every single day you do 10 steps and you're out of breath, you think you're fit until you get to altitude. And another two kilometers above me was Mount Everest, the top of Mount Everest. So we've got three bucket lists that I want to talk about just briefly, one, we've got our future bucket list, all the stuff we want to do in the future. One is reverse backup this, which I encourage everyone to also write and actually write first, which is all the cool stuff you've done in your life as if it were in abundance all the way along. And that's a big gratitude exercise, which is, you know, one of the pillars of positive positive psychology. And we've also got a third type of list, and that's called the bucket list. So it is mentioned in the book. It's called a bucket list. So we've got three. So when I went to Mount Everest and went to advanced base camp, I'm hugging. I'm hugging the fucking porcelain bowl every morning throwing up because of altitude sickness. I had Mount Everest on the bucket on the future bucket list and it went on to the bucket list straightaway. I went back there I'm not gonna go any higher.   So I'm a surfer, not a mountaineer.   Be be real with yourself, but   did the Ironman I too. I entered the I grown up as a swimmer. So that was no fun right into I entered the Iron Man, Melvin Iron Man when I ran it down here in 2012. I entered the year out because you got to do that because it sold out really quickly. And I didn't even own a bike. I done one marathon, I could swim, but I didn't own a bike. And then that was the agenda that that that was actually one of the things that put me on the map because I did about 6070 videos and I just posted them a lot of people started following the journey. But it was like you just said it was that absolute transformation. When the Why is strong enough to hell work itself out. So I entered a video of me actually entering the Iron Man paying the 1000 bucks or whatever it was, and then going and this is the full Iron Man two, and I never mind you I've never done a full triathlon before.   Like before, the Ironman was the first triathlon ever entered. So you do an Olympic distance. You do a half Ironman in the full Ironman. So I've done three triathlons in my whole life. And they're all part of training. But yeah, I got a coach broke down before breakthrough kind of thing. Got a coach after I broke down. I'd also i overtrained for it.   But yeah, that that and I had a heap of people who followed me on social media actually, you know, turn up for the for the Iron Man to watch it all. And   you know, it is these journeys that really define us. And, you know, in that in that year of training for the Ironman, I had my most productive and highest income year as well. So, anonymize it and see and that's what So, what I don't get with a lot of people is   what people don't understand is the training for an Ironman. It takes a lot of time. It's full time is full time and people will always say I don't have time to exercise. I don't have time to work out. I can tell you don't that's what gives you the energy to go and do your other stuff. Energy and also you become an absolute time management Nazi. Yeah, you know, like you'd become a freak and don't you you just like Bang, bang bang and your nutrition. Everything you're rested is going to be on point and we had, you know with the most productive business year   No, since and it was just amazing. I've got a quick story. But another quick story about Iron Man cam. Who was a, again, I don't know what this is in pounds, but he was 160 kilograms. Now that's, that's a lot of pounds, it was a big big boy, over six foot i think is 62 or 63.   And he was an alcoholic, he smoked, he was a biker,   he,   he was in a job that he hated.   He was a miserable prick, you know, catch up with him is just just, you know, Debbie Downer.   The whole and he had you know, shitty friends, they all just got drunk on weekends, etc, etc. Now, he was dragged like a headlock to one of my early you know, earliest seminars, he used to run an event called the, the bucket list experience, three days personal development. And I in that I get people to in the break to actually, you know, take action, they back into something, pay for something, you know, just do something, it comes out the back of the room, just angry. Shit, you know, I didn't sign up for this, you know, I was dragged here. And he's made Simon was like, you know, I just dragged him here. And I'm like, if he wants to leave, and let him leave, you know, like, he doesn't want to be here. And he's just, you know, having having smoked in every break and not doing anything just like, when is this gonna finish? Can we go now and you know, so   we got to the end of the three days and came Hang in there. He hung in there. Simon's I come, I come. I didn't do something, do something. And I said in the last last break in three days, right? In the afternoon, I said cam? You've said it for three days, mate. I know you don't want to be here. You know, you've complained all the way through for the love of God just so just for me. I can do something on you know, just take action on something. Something. I don't care what it is.   Alright, so now I had it was face to face. It was like just dude. It was you know, looking at might do something.   guys   come back   and come back into the room after the bright side smoke. He's gone. Alright, you're happy? Show me is fun.   into the five k run.   Good. Nice. Well Done.   Done. Yeah. Why did you want to do that? Because I don't know. Just to keep you happy. All you got bullshit. You could have done a lot of different things. So what why? Why did you do art? I've always wanted to do a run, I guess. And you know, Glover did it when I was younger, you know? Alright. Anyway.   Months later, it really started. He started doing a little bit of training. Months later, probably six months later, I think it's five k running come around. I didn't lost contact with cam he wasn't really that close to me. Um, and Simon has made it and I'm close with. He said, Cam spent training. What's, you know, you've done something, you've lit a fire somewhere and he's gonna do this five years following through with it. Like really? Okay, well, look, I'm not doing anything on that Sunday, I'll go down and it was the run to the G the big mcg   where we held the Australian Rules, you know, Grand Final 100,000 people and what you do at the end of the run, they've got a five, even a 10 they got a half marathon, you can run into the Genie, you're up on the big scoreboard and all that sort of thing. And so we said in the US, I went there and I just did support cam to see if this thing was real. Went to sit in the bleachers and he comes camp. He came in he run shuffle, run, shuffle, kind of walk and he finished and he lost a bit of weight in that in that in that time that I'd seen him since he lost a little bit of weight. He had the participation t shirt on they put the big metal around him. He had his family and people in the bleachers as well got the hugs afterwards. I said Mike well, Dan is our tribe. Thanks for turning up.   And the small side appears I've never seen before.   Hmm, what's going on here that day without knowing you went in into the 10 k run? Did the same.   The day you finished these 10 k run into the half marathon day finish this half marathon in full day into the fall and the day ended full.   He ended his first triathlon couldn't swim.   had to go and get a bike.   Did a sprint distance, didn't Olympic distance. Same thing on the day that he finished, did a half then did a full over the course of like two or three years   and it   In the process, he given up drinking, I still had beers and stuff. He wasn't, you know, wasn't going to meetings, put it that way. Giving up the smokes whole new network of friends wasn't a biker anymore.   Got a girlfriend changed jobs, his income had gone up. He was smiling. He was off antidepressants. And you know, when Iron Man right at the end, you have the catches, and the catches the guys, the girls, the supporters that get there, at the end of the night before 12 o'clock. midnight. And the people who were the last people are coming through and they've got the glow sticks, and you know that they walk in most of the marathon kind of thing. And you got to cut off is well in Australia. Anyway, it was 12 midnight, he got in at quarter to midnight 1145. And here we are   going on, she's gonna make it easy. And he comes through fucking bleeding from nipples. You know, I've chafing and it was just unbelievable. Yeah, you know.   And, and he finished and he just collapsed in a hate but he was a completely different person, man. And we were one of the catches there midnight, you know, to bring him down the chute, you know, and Ken more, you are an Iron Man, you know, rang out. And it was just absolutely amazing and changed his life ever since man. You know, one thing, one thing, that's amazing.   And that's what, that's why I love doing what I do. And I'm sure that's one of the reasons that you love doing what you're doing.   When you get when someone gets that one idea that all it takes is   just one thing. And then once that person starts believing in what they can do, nothing's gonna stop them. Nothing, nothing once they get to bleep nothing will stop them. When the Why is strong enough to hell work itself out. Simple as that. You know, like, if you look at all your bucket list items and write them from, you know, inspiration or inspiration number 10. In a Mia inspired one to 1010 being really inspired one being near   anything that's five and above. Pay close attention to their the life challenges. You know, they're the things that   and when you're writing this stuff down, always think about the what and the why not about how   the how will appear? You know, you will it will appear but people overcomplicate the hell, don't they? Yeah, absolutely. I think we go Why don't think about people who go climb Everest, you know, don't think about every single step they've got to make up to mount the top of Mount Everest, they don't over complicate it, they just go Alright, I'm as as prepared and I've got the right people around me the Sherpas, I've got the right gear, checks and balances, shits gonna, she's gonna go on up there, and it's not always going to go to plan. But that's how we should we've got to trust ourselves a lot more and fall into it, you know, lean right into it. And, and just commit, because in the commitment is where you get, I think infinitely resourceful. It's not about resources, it's about resourcefulness, when the Why is strong enough? Absolutely. And and you mentioned about this guy, and I personally think I'm not here to do talk about you know, fitness and getting healthy and, but to me, if you don't have a well rounded life is meaning relationships, your help your career, you know, if you don't have a good rounded life, they affect each other, they really do. So I'm not advocating people going out and doing an Iron Man did. But if you for me, until I started looking at everything in my life, the you know that the health of fitness, things didn't change, I had to be more holistic on everything around not just not just planning. And let's be honest, you know, like in this day and age with, with us being as authentic and vulnerable as we possibly can. And I said on social media trying to grow business, no   disrespect, there's a level of respect that comes with people who are out there having a go, you know, there's a level of respect that, you know, you can't, you can't hide anymore, you got to put yourself out there and someone that takes, you know, does stuff like that in another part of their life. It maps into other areas, or deliberately, you know, it maps directly into other areas, you know, and and that's, you know, you doing an iron man would have bought you more business no doubt. Yeah, absolutely Simple as that and again, and not knowing how, so to me, if you if you already knew how to do these bucket list items, you'd have already done them. Yeah, I would have already   Anything that I've ever done in life that has been big, I have no clue how I started. I know the steps didn't know the house didn't know that. And I shouldn't, I shouldn't know how if I know how it's not a bucket list item, it's not a big item, if I already know how I need to write that one off, don't need to give, we need to trust our intuition, intuition, a lot more thinking and just trust ourselves a lot more, to fall into things to, you know, get uncomfortable, and take more risks. Because people we do it, we do it in other areas of our life, whether it be in relationships, whether being investments, whether it be in business,   you know, we got to trust ourselves more. And what's the worst thing that can happen? Honestly? Yeah. So. So yeah, it's it's a mindset that has definitely helped a lot of people over the years. To that the saddest thing I've heard over the years is people saying Trev thank you for giving me permission to dream again.   Dude, what's happened? You know, one of the things I said in the TED Talk, that I'm quoted on probably more than anything, and people are dying at 40 and being buried in it. Yep. The Walking Dead. We know. You know, Groundhog Day. Corporate America. Yeah, yeah. But But,   you know, so. So wake up, you haven't got much time. Let's, you know, do something small, write some stuff down, do the low hanging fruit first, and cross a few of the smaller ones off. And you can still do or a lot of different things during COVID. I'm doing five things at the moment. And at the end of the day, knock off those small ones, and never give you the momentum and motivation, especially the big ones. Yeah. So what is left? So what's the biggest thing right now? On your bucket list? What's that one? hairy, dirty, big ass thing that you still? Well, okay, so I've just obviously, you know, just done the book. So there it is. And that that was only 10 years since I've been the bucket this guy, you know, every speaking I do you have a book. It's coming. It's coming. It's kind of talking about a battle and perfectionism and procrastination. But, you know, 10 years it took me to write this is only this thick. That's pretty sad.   But it's, it's a big thing to do. I mean, that's a huge, yeah, extremely cathartic. And, and it was a, you know, I just couldn't bear to write on my goal list for this year. 2021 when we've been in lockdowns and all that might What is your excuse for not getting this thing done? I could not write. This is the year I'm publishing my book. So getting the book was, you know, getting the book done. Two weeks before Christmas has been huge. So   the next one, I   What have I got coming in? So stand up comedy geek.   I'm absolutely shitting myself.   Yeah.   See my mind make it so I've done a TED talk in front of 2000 people. I've done the book. I've don't mind making it and myself but doing that I've just, yeah. That that's a signpost   like,   you see one of mine is to rap with Snoop Dogg so I've got a manifesting that out somebody isn't rapping check yourself in chapter nine what chapter is a one of one of the guys   one of the guys in the book one of the stories that are telling Aaron young he no word of a lie he wrapped ice ice baby with vanilla ice on stage. No shit. And he's just like any lost the phone. He lost the phone that he did the selfie with   he did a selfie on stage and I got waterlogged or something like that he wrote and when he told me the story on   another guy is played with with with kiss. Like we met Paul Stanley from kiss.   It's in May, you should eat some of the stories that are just nuts. And it's so cool. But yes, nope.   Yeah, hopefully is you might   if you smoke in probably   a green light or so. One of the other I mean random I'm 47 and and one of the things that I literally bought just before Christmas as a reward for getting my book out. Was this if you can see this right here is some DJ decks. Yeah, so I literally bought those just before   Just before Christmas as a reward. So one of the bucket list items I've got for myself this year is to play is to play a live DJ ship DJ set   night   somewhere and I host a party somewhere and just play a play a live set. I put like a mouse head or something. You got to come up with some Yeah, it did.   I don't, I don't think Burning Man or tomorrow land or one of these big Miami festivals that are calling me up anytime soon. But it's just something and it's also a massive   you know, a really good way for me to type you know, just switch off. I can't play a musical instrument to save myself. But I can I can kind of put some music together on this. And yeah, I love it and time just time to stop just like surfing for me to stop time. You know, float. That's really cool. Yeah, I can't serve. Not Yeah. Yeah.   You're in Texas.   I'm in Texas. Yeah, I can't ride a bull either.   I can do that, either. So that's the thing I did in Houston. Right. So check this out. I went and spoke in Houston. And we went to some   when they were there film Dallas. That was around there wasn't in Dallas. Was it done now?   Houston, maybe not in No, it's doing Dallas No.   Went to some ranch thing. It's like this old, like, like a ghost town kind of set up. It was in Houston. And one of the things on my bucket list was to ride a mechanical bull with a cowboy hat on. And, and I did that in Houston.   That see that now that you can do in Houston? that that that's available? Yeah.   Yeah. So on your I want to talk about your book a little bit that you've talked about it, but it's so you can get it. I know it's on your website. And for those listening, just go to, you know, traps website, and you can get on It's on Amazon as well. Yeah, but if you want to sign one, we'd have to sign it from in the US. But   yeah, it takes a week or so to get over there. If it's in the if it's in the US and I'll put a little gear, put little notes, a note in there. And, you know, like I do   know where to go and send it and send it over to so yeah, it's been, it's   really cool, because a lot of people have ordered them before Christmas and New Year's and taking this time between Christmas New Year and the start of the year, taking time out of their life to work on their lives using the framework, the my bucket blueprint framework to unpack their bucket lists, write stuff down and write their reverse bucket list the fact that this may be and also the future bucket list, but they're doing it with their families as well. They're doing it as a couple, which I encourage but more importantly, doing it themselves. First, you got to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can help others so so I want people to go into 2021 and, and really, you know, really prioritize. Because this for a lot of people has been the light at the end of this COVID tunnel   for a lot of people and stuff that they can action right now. Yeah, and it's an actual action. I mean, there's steps within the book to, you know, get you from point A to point B and so that's what I absolutely love about talking with people that have spent their blood, their sweat their tears, creating a book creating an asset creating something for us to you know, I can, you know, now I can take you know, 10 years of what took me What took you 10 years, and condense that down into you know, a month or two. And to me that is one I appreciate that more than anything I mean that that is such a big thing. And to be able to it's gonna cost me $30 to get 20 years of experience and it's like yeah, are you kidding me? I can I can spend $30 and get 20 years of experience. It's just yeah, so easy is another side thing. Yeah, well another side You know,   one of the bucket list items that I'm doing at the moment is reading 52 books in a year   that you know, that's an interesting   exercise it literally we wake up it's I my partner Tracy and I we wake up we have a coffee in bed and I read out loud so she learns Ireland and it makes me accountable weren't warms up my voice because I'm doing a lot of zoom and media and right you know, things with the team and, and so and that first hour is where my brain is really impressionable. So rather than jumping onto social   Media and you know, becoming the pitcher of someone else's agenda. And getting that negative input on controlling the input on learning, the, the, the retention of information goes through the roof, I abused books, you know, writing, writing through them. And it's that daily practice that we absolutely love. And it's and we both learned so much from it, reading one or two chapters a day and because I want to be a writer of love that are going to read well, Mr. Writer, I guess, but I want to, I'm reading it the other I'm writing at the other end of the day, but reading 52 books in a year is this daily practice, just like training for an Iron Man is a daily thing. And it's, it's had   a huge impact on my life.   My business, well done that. Do you think doing? Like an Iron Man has helped you?   Do things like writing and do things like reading 52? books? Yeah, from a mindset standpoint? Yeah. Look, it's, it's all it all compounds, you know, it's not just the Iron Man, it's, it's not just writing a book it you know, it's, it's, it's all the above, you know, you're breaking stuff down. And we're all, you know, to sit here and say, oh, I've got all the answers. No, why, you know, like, the more you read, the more you realize you don't know.   But   little bit by little bit, you know, chunking chunking, I do a lot of coaching around this concept called a typical perfect day, or a typical, perfect week, compared to, you know, an optimizing and hacking, what I call this, well, our definition of work life blend, not work life balance, nothing ever balances, but work life blend. And this whole concept of work life blend is what people are, I think, defining for themselves right now in the midst of COVID. And, you know, working from home and all that sort of thing. It's very different for each person. And it comes down to controlling the inputs, controlling what you hear, you're learning, controlling, are you managing your time, controlling who you bring into your life, you know, all the different habits of success that you decide to, you know, put into your day. And   I think I think that all compounds on each other, you know, and I think when you've got a system, a daily system sort of sorted out hacked, trial and error tested and measured that, you know,   you know, I just, I just always think, how can I go like Ilan musk run $3 billion companies.   He's not real good on the relationship side of things. But he's, he's got a bunch of kids, but his health is probably questionable, but you know, like, like, everyone's got 24 hours in the day, and there's high achievers that seem to, you know, smash it. And so, you know, I'm always learning of how I can squeeze more make it more quality rather than quantity. And, you know, you then it gives you the confidence if you've got that daily system in place, it gives you the confidence to go you know, what, I know how to manage my time, no matter what's going on, all into that I'm in and I know I can deploy. Right? Yeah, and I think you know, as you said, learning and doing all the stuff that you're doing it to me if you if we are not learning, we are absolutely dying, and we've got to continually push ourselves to learn and to be more you know, tomorrow than we are today. Yeah, yeah. That being said, when I'm learning I sort of started off like last year I started off at like war and peace you know, really thick book with very small font and I think at the end of the year I finished with Mr. tickle you know, the Mr. Men book is fucking about three bids in.   Desperate to knock out the goal.   So you got to learn to be specific because you have 252 books, but they didn't say they have a very big one a big book.   That's right. Oh, well travel. I absolutely want to thank you for being on being on the podcast, and everybody the bucket list blueprint, his book, everyone go to the shownotes I'm gonna have links to obviously everything about to get in touch with grab. And yeah, there's the book. And I cannot wait to get mine. Yeah, I followed your stuff. And I can't wait to get the book and start looking at the steps and implementing the steps because to me, whenever I get someone else's viewpoint of something, I always even if even if I get one, only one nugget from your book. Yeah, that is worth 1000s and 1000s of dollars. Just one nugget. I know him to get more than that. But just one he only got one set better. You're going to get the book and everyone. Here's my challenge to you Sean and on all your watchers and listeners in it. Get it   What's your TED Talk Do you know, it goes into a lot, a lot, a lot deeper into the book, of course, and it's more of a workbook too. So there's a link in the book. Whereas when you map out your battles, when you write your bucket list, I want you to send it to the link in there, send it and that comes directly to me. I'm collecting right now and collecting 365 365 bucket lists from all around the world, from from people of all walks of life. So you may or may not   be in the next book with your bucket list. But more broadly, I can't help myself being in a personal training industry for 20 years, I want to make people accountable to not just write this stuff down. But that, you know, we've got a really big group of hashtag bucket list is on Facebook. And I've got everyone in there, you know, like uploading their bucket lists, doing things on their backup is providing support and encouragement to each other. And this is also about accountabilities, because again, what's easy to do is easy not to do. So I encourage everyone to write you know, get a book, write, write their backups down, send it to me, and we've got special magical ways to make this stuff come to fruition, boy. Oh, fantastic. And again, thank you so much for being on. I look forward to I'm gonna upload mine, I'm telling you, mine is gonna be mine, I'll be able to so all right. Well, thanks again, so much. And thanks for your time. And thanks for writing this book. So people just, I don't think people understand how much it actually takes and how much.   And I don't think we tell the authors enough how much we appreciate the stuff that they're putting out and the stuff that they're getting, you're giving it to people. I mean, it's $30 is nothing for what we get. It's unbelievable. So thank you for doing that. And the whole philosophy of the bucket list is just fantastic. And you have a hash tag that you use on everything and it's ticket before you kick it. And that's what that's fantastic.   Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Wait until they're about to kick it before they go credit. Once that better. We've got signs that say,   there we go. I love it. Yeah, those are great.   We got back at this coaches now in 22 countries around the world. So they're all teaching teaching this stuff.   I it was so great having traveled and thank you so much. And thank all the listeners for listening as well. And make sure you go to the show notes and go visit trap. He's got a ton of stuff up there at the bucket list. He's got his fantastic podcast, the bucket list life podcast, and many, many things. Go look at his book, you know, in order the bucket list blueprint book, he's got a link directly there where you can get a signed copy from him, as well as through Amazon. And it means so much to me, and the guests that if you enjoyed listening to this, and if you got anything out of this, please do take a second to rate the show on iTunes. Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drives listeners to our shows. So please let me know what your thoughts are. And make sure you subscribe using your favorite player and using the links within the show notes. And again, thank you so much and until next week, remember to always think big

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