Topical Teachings – Sukkot-Feast of Tabernacles. Part 11

Torah to the Tribes - Un pódcast de Matthew Nolan - Domingos

Speaker: Libby Lingenfelter @, TheLibbyTube, TheLibbyChute The book of John points out that when the "Feast of Tabernacles was at hand," Yahusha Himself "went up to the feast" and taught at the Temple in Jerusalem. This was done in observance of the final of three annual Festival seasons that are outlined in the Bible, particularly in the book of Vayikra-Leviticus. These three seasons, the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Shavuot-Pentecost and the Fall Festival season, were all observed by Yahusha and the first-century assembly. The latter season is capped by the seven-day Festival of Sukkot-Tabernacles and the Eighth Day (Leviticus 23:33). As priests after the order of Melchizedek Torah to the Tribes Saints have made a commitment to follow the example of the first-century assembly, we keep these Holy days!

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