Calvinism vs Molinism - William Lane Craig & Paul Helm - Unbelievable?

Unbelievable? - Un pódcast de Premier Unbelievable?

If God ordains the future, can humans have free will? Are people predestined for salvation? And what does the Bible say on the matter? William Lane Craig is a Christian philosopher and leading proponent of Molinism, a view of divine sovereignty that seeks to reconcile God's fore-ordination with human free will. Paul Helm is a leading Calvin Scholar. He defends the view that God predestines the future, limiting human freedom. For William Lane Craig For Paul Helm For more faith debates visit Join the conversation: Facebook and Twitter Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? or Via Itunes You may also enjoy: Unbelievable? 1 Aug 2009 - James White and Roger & Faith Forster debate predestination Unbelievable? 18 Oct 2011 - William Lane Craig vs Stephen Law - Does God exist?

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