246: Huawei Sues USA —The Fight for Phones, 5G, and the Future!

Vector with Rene Ritchie


Huawei is suing the U.S. government. Huawei, which makes everything from phones, like the just-announced Mate X, yeah the one that stole some of Samsung’s folding thunder, to the communications equipment that connects all phones, including the upcoming 5G networks, Huawei is claiming the United States is unfairly — unconstitutionally, even — keeping them out of the country, out of deals with major telcos like AT&T and Verizon, and out of the hands of consumers.

The U.S. government claims Huawei’s close ties to the Chinese government make it a threat to national security and the privacy of American citizens. In other words, that Huawei equipment from handsets to infrastructure, will be used to spy on Americans, Canadians, Brits, and pretty much everyone else. And is pressuring other governments to keep them out as well. Huawei claims not. And Huawei is calling foul.

So, are Americans being kept safe or are they simply being denied the best gear at the best price or maybe just cheaper gear for a cheaper price?

Carolina Milanesi, consumer tech analyst at Creative Strategies and one of the brightest and most insightful people in the industry, joins me to figure it all out.